4.1- Rosie

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Harry's hand is a warm weight against my hip as we lay in bed. sam giggles her face buried in my neck as harry makes goofy faces at her. I brush my fingers through her curls, twisting them following the lines of the natural ringlets. harry chuckles against my shoulder laughter mixing with sams, the noise of their happiness humming against my skin.

we needed to get up, sam had gotten into bed with us around four in the morning, falling back asleep with her small hands gripping my shirt as she snuggled close to me. and we all slept in until eleven, the sound of them laughing made me wake up.

no plans for the day except dinner later tonight with Harry's family. and for what felt like the first time in a long time I didn't feel the need to rush. we would get up soon, all of us in one bathroom as we brushed our teeth. harry would make his way to the kitchen, the coffee maker starting up as I helped sam get dressed. id make my way over to him, sam on my hip as he hummed a song, a laugh coming from me as I watch him dance around.

but for now, I was wedged between my two favorite people. my curly-haired, green-eyed angels. and I couldn't help but feel overjoyed harry wanted to move with sam and me, if it was here, or somewhere new together it didn't matter. at first, I felt guilty, whenever it came to harry I was always so selfish in my feelings. asking him here was selfish, making him leave his whole life behind to come back here. even if he said he had already planned to, it still felt as if it was my fault he had to do it.

selfishness could only keep me feeling okay about the decision for so long. slowly as I thought it over I felt worst and worst. my good mood faded as I let my anxiety take over. overthinking was a pain, and I knew it was written all over my face as the day went on.

sam was in her room playing with her toys, her soft voice as she made voices for her dinosaurs was muffled as I sat on the edge of the bed rolling my tights up my legs. harry was in the bathroom washing his hands and as he turned off the water he muttered, "what's the matter?"

I shook my head looking over at him as he examined me through the mirror. "nothing," I whispered but my voice was small and I watched as he licked his lips shaking his head.

he turned moving through the doorframe of the bathroom before he got down on his knees in front of me. my hands resting on my knees as I sat there looking at him, I bit the inside of my lip as he looked at me. "what's the matter?" he asked again voice low as his hands slipped up my calves, cool against my warm skin.

"I don't know just..." I let myself shrug, not even knowing how to voice my concerns. "I'm just, you know, thinking,"

he smiles, dimple showing on his face and I lift my hand to push back his hair from around his ear. "I noticed," he says before adding, "but what about?"

"us," I say and his hands freeze on my legs.

"good thoughts I hope but the look on your face says otherwise," he comments and I let my hand fall from his cheek, his smile gone as he looks up at me in concern.

"Are you worried we're going about this too fast?" I ask not wanting to meet his eyes as I said it.

"are you?" he moves his hands so that he can gab mine resting in my lap.

"I mean, moving in together, I'm just worried about forcing you to check out of your old life and into mine and-" I cut myself off looking at him for reassurance but he shakes his head.

"Rosie I'm choosing this you're not forcing me to do anything. I can move my job around with me it's not like you're asking me to quit and even if you did I would for you, for sam. if you think it's too fast I can get an apartment around town but I want to be close to both of you. I have the flexibility to drop all my things and run to you and that's exactly what I want to do not because you asked but because I want to," he chuckled, "hell you might have to beat me away with a stick to keep me from you now. I love you, I never stopped loving you and I won't lose you again. I can let go of everything but I can't let go of you again, I won't let go of you again. but if you think we're moving too fast we can slow down, ill slow down for you, I'll wait forever if at the end we can finally be together however you want us to be together,"

I felt myself tearing up but I bit my lip holding back my tears. he lifted one of my hands tuning it to see my wrist and placed a feather-light kiss over the delicate skin holding my pulse. he looked up at me through his lashes, lips brushing my wrist as he muttered, "you've always been my forever, since the moment I saw you and probably way before that, you have always been my destiny. I didn't believe in soulmates before you, but I know in my heart we were made for each other, tied on a string since the moment we could breathe I swear nothing will ever change the way I feel about you, and if you want me to leave, if you want me to stay, I will do anything, anything, anything, for you," he whispered.

I felt a hot tear slide down my cheek, felt it land on my free hand before I lifted it to cup his cheek. "I don't ever feel as if I deserve your love," a say voice cracking the smallest bit.

"Everyone deserves to be loved," he whispers another light kiss to my wrist before he twists our fingers together kissing my knuckles. "and you are so deserving,"

"I love you so much harry, more than I can even express. and I feel as if I waited a lifetime to get here and it always feels unreal when I'm with you. as if this is a dream, too good to be true and I'm moments away from waking up. I love you so so much and I love our daughter, our baby, because even when you were gone you were always with me through her. and before her, I kept you like a place I could escape to. and I feel as if it's such a privilege to be loved by you, to love you, and to have you and it always feels unreal. because in some way I'm back in middle school trying to hide some crush that I felt would go nowhere, and in a million ways I'm back in high school and you're tugging on the edge of my shirt asking me if you can kiss me and it's sending a million fluttering butterflies through me. I think of us in the bathtub in that hotel, warm and happy, and I think of us now, waking up in the morning with our baby, laughing," I let out a soft sob, head lowering as I try and wipe at my tears. "I love you so much and I just worry that I'm asking too much of you, of the universe as if I only get so much good before my clock runs out and something bad happens again," now I'm full-on sobbing and Harry's standing pulling me into his arms, my face pressed into his neck and I know he's crying too.

but it's only moments before he pulls away to look at me, to wipe at my cheeks, and kisses me. the taste of tears on our lips until he's kissing my face, following the lines of tear tracks making me chuckle. my hands in his hair as he kisses down my jaw and along my neck.

thank you for reading :))

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