0.6- Harry

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three years before

I never felt happier than I had in that hotel room with Rosie. 

sitting in the bath, pouring water of her soapy shoulders, kissing the nape of her neck as she giggled over the ghost of my fingers on her thigh. I could picture us doing this forever. 

we laid in bed and as she drifted to sleep she whispered once more to me, "stay," her fingers curling in my hair, body curving into mine, I was at home here with her. 

and of the first time, I had the thought of marrying her, starting a family with her, moving on from that shitty town. connecting with my family again, seeing the twins grow up into adults, see Fletcher and his new wife, see Calum, Luke, Michael, and Ashton, even if in high school I said I hadn't liked them but they had been great lads to hang around. Ashton had defended me multiple times, Calum has been a great friend to Rosie. I wanted to start off with a new life with Rosie. 

in that bed I could picture it all, that layout of forever that I craved so badly. music was important to me, it was my job and I fucking loved it but I could do it from wherever she was, or I hope I could. I wanted to stay. 

and I planned on it, all until I could hear the blaring ring of my phone across the hall. Rosie fast asleep seeming as if nothing could wake her, I slipped from her grasp to find and end the constant ringing, a mix of my alarm and ringtone as they switched between the two. 

I pulled on my clothes not wanting to get caught by any relatives staying on the same floor with me only in my underwear. shoes in hand to toss them into my bag after grabbing new clothes to spend the rest of the day with Rosie. 

I picked up my phone and the second it did dan was yelling in my ear. "don't you fucking dare miss that plane-"

"Im not going-"

"The fuck you aren't, get your ass in the car, the driver said you weren't even downstairs. I've been trying to get a hold of you for an hour now to tell you that the album went fucking platinum and now everyone's calling to get you to interview with them-"

"wait what?" the shock overcoming me as I stood frozen in my hotel room. 

"you fucking heard me styles the album went platinum! now you need to get your ass down into that car because a second later you're going to miss your flight and in that miss your interview wit-"

"dan I can't just fucking go-"

"We already planned on you leaving in the morning, get your ass in the car-"


"Harry we can't turn this down-"

"We have to I can't fucking leave-"

"you can see your family again later if their mad buy them a fucking house with all the money you're making now-"


"if you turn this down no one is going to find you reliable I already said yes," 

"you didn't even ask me first-"

"I'm your manager I tell you what to do so get your ass in the car and get over here, now," 

he hung up the phone without letting me get another word in. I was confused, conflicted, and I knew Rosie would understand, I'd come back to her if she still wanted me, I knew that I always would. and so I pulled my things together. 

I went to her door tried to open it and realized she wasn't awake and I didn't have a room key, I tried knocking but she didn't answer and with each passing second I felt myself wonder if I knew what I was doing. 

I moved to my room writing her a note, 

I hope you understand, I love you with all my fucking heart and my album just went platinum, once I figure this shit out ill be right back with you, this is my actual number, call me the second you read this, and ill try and answer if I'm not on the plane. I love you, Rosie, please call, I love you, H

and i dropped it outside her door and rushed to catch the car. 


so sorry bout this filler chapter but I wanted to get this part out of the way sooo sorry for the lame explanation on why he left but I hope you guys are enjoying so far this is only the setup to what will actually be happening in this sequel! 

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