2.9- Rosie

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for a moment we both lay on our backs, looking up at the ceiling fan spinning over and over again. it was silent for what felt like forever. both of us just breathing as we lay in the dark. I didn't know why this felt so much more intimate than when we had been on the couch together. here in the bed, centimeters from touching, the sounds of us inhaling and exhaling all there was. I reached in the dark for his hand.

and his hand had already been reaching for mine. 

it was strange the way I had never forgotten the way his hand felt in mine. how it was so familiar as if my heart had this feeling ingrained. and when we had been on the sofa, my body had known everything it needed to pull every small sound from him, my hands finding all the same places they once claimed as theirs years ago. 

now as I turned to him I could make him out in the dark. the line of his jaw, the slope of his nose all before me just as it had been before, just I remembered it. for so long I had dreamed of him finding his way back to me, thinking about how it would have been if I had never left him here, and if he hadn't left me then. I had pictured this exactly as it was now, and even now I found it hard to believe he was real, but then he gripped my hand, pulled it to his lips, and kissed my knuckles as if he was thinking the exact same thing as I was. 

"I always wondered if I had dreamt you up, pulled you straight from my mind, an angel to save me when I needed you the most," he whispered against the back of my hand. lips so soft against my skin as he spoke. "I was so scared of my feelings when I first met you,"

I couldn't help but smile, in that time I never would have believed I would be here in my bed years and years later with harry and our child in the room over. never would have thought he would look my way in that time, let alone love me. 

"I had been scared too," I whispered, my foot moving so I was touching his leg, I wanted to be so much closer to him. 

"I still want to punch myself for not noticing you so much sooner, I mean for fucks sake you were friends with fletcher for years," 

I laughed softly, "I don't think we would have liked each other much when we were in middle school. I was very very nerdy," 

"you were already nerdy when I met you," he chuckles and I roll my eyes in the dark.

"in high school, I was so much tamer than how I used to be in middle school. do you know how fletcher and I met?" 

"not really,"

"I was president of the chemistry club and he wanted to blow things up. we mainly became friends because we were in the same class at the time before I got moved to advanced chem. for a week we sat next to each other before my schedule was changed and being the president of the chemistry club I knew a lot and him being him, he didn't know much about it at all except that when you mixed some things together you got explosions. he had bugged me day after day about it until one day he showed up to the chemistry club meeting, mind you, it was me and one other person, and demanded I show him something cool," 

"he joined the chemistry club?" 

"yes and I caved and showed him how to light magnesium strips on fire. and I regretted it almost instantly but we ended up friends after that," 

"you were chemistry club president?" he chuckled and I poked him in his arm. 

"president over one person before fletcher came in," 

"still," and I can see him trying to hide his smile, "its so cute to think you were president of the chemistry club," 

"well in comparison to you being the leader of the baseball team,"

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