2.8- Harry

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when I had gone back to my parent's house later that night I called my manager. asked him how it would work with me living here and working. I wanted to make sure I knew everything so I could prepare. I wanted so badly for it all to work out for us.

I still couldn't believe I cried. I had cried over Rosie before and I had meant everything I had said. and at that moment, Rosie's hands were in my hair as she was on a phone call, as I tried to think over how this is probably how we would have been if we had stayed together. married with maybe even more kids than we had now, with a house, making plans to see my parents for dinner, making plans to go for drinks with old friends. I wanted it so fucking bad. something normal, something better than going back to my apartment in new york just to drink or fill my time with working out, alone. 

I wanted Rosie, needed her. and having her there just reminded me how much that craving ran through every atom in my body. 

so before I left she showed me to sams room. painted blue with ocean stickers all over the wall, and sam lay fast asleep in her shark-themed sheets I brushed her messy curls back to see her sleeping face. cheeks freckled, I leaned down letting my nose lightly touch her cheek before pulling away turning to Rosie leaned against the doorway. smile on her face as I made my way over to her. 

she walked me to the front door and I asked her again if I could kiss her. and she had stood on her toes, arms wrapping around my neck pulling me down the kiss her. I had to use all my self-control to stop myself from pinning her against the door. 

"will I see you at dinner Sunday?" I asked and she nodded, nose brushing mine. "can I see you tomorrow?" 

"I have to watch Dylan,"

"not until six," I remind her, and she laughs. 

"breakfast? I'll make sure not to sleep in this time," 

"Why don't I just come back...spend the night..." 

"because similarly to you, my self-control is very limited," her hand going from my hair and moving down my neck sending warmth all over my body. I caught her wrist pulling her hand up to kiss her knuckles. 

"just to sleep," I whisper and she moves her hand to cup my cheek. 

"Okay," she had whispered. 

so I went back to grab my things, phone pressed to my ear as I listened to my manager talk over the details over the topics I had asked when I walked right into fletcher leaving. 

"can I call you back?" I asked without even waiting for an answer I hung up as fletcher eyed me. 

"so it seems you can pick up a phone after all," he muttered already trying to make his way past me. I hadn't even made it into the house yet. 

"fletcher you know I didn't know-"

"Not just that," he laughed but it was humorless, "you could have picked up the phone to call anyone in the house you grew up with, but no, you didn't. and even if everyone else can forgive so easily I won't," 

"fletcher I know what I did was shitty but I'm trying now-"

"and you couldn't have tried then? you came to my wedding, but not once did I get to hold a conversation with you, and then three fucking years go by and still nothing,"


"no no let's keep talking about it," he was standing so close to me now, hand now pressed into my chest, "years, fucking years, with no contact. it's one thing to turn away someone saying they are pregnant with your child, another to turn away family.  do you understand how hard it was to be told that you didn't want to speak with us? to not even have your phone number to call you. my own brother who I felt I was so fucking close to for years, changed his number so no one could reach him, so no one, not even I could reach him. this isn't about just Rosie, who you fucking ripped to shreds," hands pushing me in the chest again, "but you left everyone, the twins who did nothing to you," 

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