2.3- Rosie

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I had been flustered the rest of the day after seeing harry at the coffee shop. even more, flustered as the date with Owen went on. 

and he was so very sweet. telling me stories about his time at work as I fireman. we walked outside to the little park next to the shop, just talking as we went. his hand brushing the back of mine and for a second I felt a slight panic. 

I didn't know how to feel when harry was running through my system. 

before he had shown up I was open to getting back out there. going on the date with Owen had been a large step and I had liked it more than I thought I would. and now Harry was here, back for however long. and even if I had told harry I didn't want to rush things I didn't know what everything was. it was all so confusing. I had gotten my heart broken by harry, and I love him even now but did that mean I was completely tied down to him forever? 

I knew in some way yes. he was my first love, my only love, and the father of my child. he would always be in my life no matter if I pushed him away. there was no avoiding him ever, and I didn't want to avoid him. but how would I know what I truly wanted unless I branched out? tried to meet new people to see if I truly did want to be with harry. 

 but if you're questioning it doesn't that mean you don't truly have confidence in harry?

I didn't know what to think about anything. and fletcher told me I should just try dating Owen, that it would be good for me. but I didn't know what I wanted. 

you want what you had with harry. 

I tried to push the thoughts away. 

want what you missed when he was gone when you left him.

but that had been so long ago, things were so different now. we both had grown up. both of us were new people but...but harry had not felt like harry. he had never been someone I didn't want to be with. It's what made my pregnancy so hard, the longing for him, that love that never went cold, that dream that never stopped as I thought of what we could have been, what we were, and what we would be. 

and what will you be?

 but I didn't know. and I defiantly didn't know as Owen's hand slipped into mine, warm callused hand engulfing mine as he went on with his story. I didn't pull away and some part of myself was mad for liking the idea of Owen and me together. 

we talked a bit more before he took me back to the apartment building, sam would be dropped off at the styles house and id make my way over there for dinner. but right now Owen and I stood in the parking lot of the building. 

he had been nice, opening the doors for me, pulling out my chair, passing me his coat when the rain started. and now he stood before me linking his hand in mine once more. 

"I had a great time with you today," he smiled and it was contagious, spreading onto my own face as I nodded in agreement. I really had had a good time even if I had been thinking of the confusing relationship I had with harry.

"and I'd love to go out again, maybe to dinner again?" 

"Definitely ill just have to look at my schedule," I smile and he nods. the silence between us falling slightly awkward but comfortable. 

"well, I should get going, thank you again for today, I am always up for any caffeine," I joke and he chuckles.

"ill keep that in mind," and as I go to pull my hand from his he suddenly leans down, lips pressed softly for a moment on my cheekbone before he pulled away blushing. 

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