3.9- Rosie

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I pulled sam hair up into a little ponytail, her curls making it a bit difficult as I did but I had learned to master it or so I hoped. I had sam sitting on the sink, harry standing next to up brushing his teeth as I fiddled with sams hair. she pulled out some clips from a box I had laying next to the sink. 

"I want blue ones," she said holding them out to me to clip into her hair. I listened fixing her hair up for her as she looked at me, light freckles scattered along her cheeks, I leaned down blowing a raspberry on her soft pink cheek making her giggle. harry looked at us, toothbrush in his mouth smiling at us through the mirror. 

his attention turned down to the box on the counter, his brow creasing as he pulled his toothbrush out, bending over the sink to spit and rinse his mouth. when he was done he stuck his hand in the box pulling out two clips I had in there. 

"I remember these," he says holding up the little golden clips I use to wear a lot in high school. 

"Really?" I asked reaching out and curling my fingers around one of them, taking it from him. "I never even thought you looked at stuff like that," I said truthfully. 

sam reached out for my hand to see the clip, taking it in her small hand. I don't think I ever thought about one day looking at it in the hand of my child let alone the child I had with Harry.  "can I put it in your hair?" she asked voice coated in that soft lisp of hers. I nodded bending down a bit for her to do so as she slid the clip into my hair pinning my hair back. 

she looked to harry holding her hand out for the next one, he complied but she grabbed at his hand pulling him closer, "can I put it in your hair?" she asks him and he chuckles leaning down so she could pin some of his curls to the side of his head. 

I laughed lightly as he looked himself in the mirror, sam giggling, "you match!" 

Harry's fingers run over the clip in his hair as he smiles at sam. his dimples showing on his cheeks, teeth cutely on display. I wanted to lean into him, press a soft kiss to the edge of his mouth. 

I picked up sam, all of us have been getting ready to go to the movies since we had promised sam. she had been talking about it nonstop yesterday, jumping on the balls of her feet as I asked her what movie she would like to watch based off the trailers. 

it had even been difficult to get her to go to sleep, excitement clear in her face as she lay with the covers tucked to her chin. harry in the doorway laughing at how cute she looked with her wide eyes, explaining how she was going to drink the biggest slushy she could. 

she was dressed in her overalls, her favorite outfit, a shark pin that fletcher had given her fastened to her little pocket on her chest. her little shoes on and ready to go as she jumped by the door. curly ponytail bounding along with her as she stood there. last night she had asked me to paint her nails, not something she asked me often. I don't even think I ever had painted her nails, only Karen had when she watched her. 

and when I pulled out the nail polish for her she asked if she could paint Harry's nails and he had complied. her work was not the best but he had complimented her the whole way, his hands spread out on the towel I had set up for them out on the coffee table. and she had him paint her nails in return. 

the little fingers displaying the pink and blue polish she had picked out to match him. and as I sat on the couch watching them harry had turned, "your turn," falling from his lips and I slid to the floor next to them and harry lightly grabbed my hand, sam doing one hand and harry the other. 

we drove to the movies, sam jumping up and down, hand clasped tight in mine as we walked to the concessions and she asked for her blue slushie. when harry passed it to her she calmed down, walking between us with the straw in her mouth as we found our seats. 

and when the movie was done we went to the arcade, sam asking harry to help her up onto the fake motorcycle to play but her legs couldn't reach the footrests and she couldn't find her balance. "get on with her," I laughed when sam tried to stretch her legs down and couldn't reach, harry was already holding the back of the bike keeping it upright so she wouldn't fall off when I suggested. my arms full of all three of our coats, the rain coming down outside in a thick sheet. 

he had climbed on with her as I put a coin into the little slot. Harry's legs were too long for the bike it seemed, feet placed firmly on the ground as he leaned to help sam pick the different places you could play on the screen. she was completely engrossed in the game as Harry tried to move in the direction she leaned. I couldn't help but laugh at how cute they both looked playing the game. 

sam was having the best time, her mouth blue from her drink, eyes wide as she went around trying to play the claw machines and different games scattered around. she didn't want to leave but the sky was already dark, rain still pouring as I put her jacket on her. 

and when we stepped outside, hoods up, the rain seemed to be coming down harder than before. we stood there and I looked to sam, "you think you can run the whole way to the car?" and she looked up at me wide-eyed shaking her head no. 

"I can carry you," Harry said and she raised her arms, no second thought as he picked her up, her legs wrapping around his center, arms wrapping around his neck. he looked at me a smile spread on his face as he said, "do I need to carry you too?" 

I playfully hit his arm, shaking my head, "no you don't," and before I knew it we were running in the rain to the car. the sound of the rain was so loud but I could still hear sam laughing, her face pressing into Harry's neck as she held onto him for dear life. 

when we got to the car I unlocked it, pulling open the backseat door so that harry could help sam into her car seat. the rain pouring made a rush sound in our ears as Harry closed the door, both of us making our way into our seats. 

all of us laughing, drenched in rain, even my jeans had gotten soaked in the rain. hair pushed his hood back, hair a mess of frizz as he chuckled. the windows of the car steaming up, the water on the windshield blocking out any view we had of the parking lot. "we should wait a bit so it can clear up," he suggested, the golden clip still pushing his curls back from one side of his head. 

I leaned back in my seat resting my head back as I looked at him. he was turned around to look at sam, a smile on his face as he asked her about her day. and he listened to everything she had to say, taking in all the information she gave him as if it was the air he needed. and I reached across the center console grabbing his hand that had been resting on his lap, listening to them go back and forth until the rain cleared enough for me to drive back home. 

thank you for reading :)

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