2.4- Harry

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I'd spent a lot of time before Rosie getting girls easily. now I had to try again but this time to work to get Rosie back. I knew what she liked and even if then all my knowledge of girls had flown out the window because I had been a love-stuck puppy I sure as hell knew what I was doing now. 

so at the family dinner, I took things into my own hands.

and I knew everyone was trying to give us space, the water still untested on what to do about the whole situation. so when I found myself alone in the kitchen with Rosie I made my move.

"Here let me get you some glasses to fill for the table," I muttered slowly moving around her the kitchen was small so I lightly hovered my hand on her lower back as I maneuvered around her to get to the cabinet. I didn't have to pick the glasses on the top shelf but I knew she was watching me. I reached up, my shirt riding up as I grabbed the glasses. and as I  turned around I saw her swallowing turning away slighting pink from looking. I couldn't help but smirk at how it worked.

"here you go," I smiled handing her the stacked glasses.

"I um was thinking you could come over Saturday, sam and I are going to the pool and you can come after or during if you'd like," she says not even looking my way as she filled glasses of water for the table.

"sure thing I'd love to join what time should I be over?" I asked pulling out all the silverware we needed.

"I plan on leaving at eleven if you wanted a ride I can pick you up or I could share the address. I planned lunch out and everything so we can eat there then head back for a movie at the house,"

"well, then I can just meet you at your place, ride together, come back together," I shrug, and Rosie nods.

"good," she says turning to give me a quick smile.

"what?" I ask chuckling a bit. she shrugs a small smile still on her face.

"nothing I just...sams excited and I'm happy she likes you so much I was worried because she doesn't like most people,"

I couldn't help but feel my smile widen. my daughter liked me and that's all that mattered. I myself had been worried she wouldn't enjoy my company, that I wouldn't know how to entertain her but she seemed to have enough ideas to make any time I spent with her filled with fun.

"I'm excited," I say turning to place the napkins on the table. "I'm also excited to see you in a swimsuit again," I mutter looking back over my shoulder to see her biting her inner lip, cheeks pink.

"Harry we're at your parent's house," she whispers.

"what they already know we had sex at least once-"

"harry shut up," she whispers face pinched as she shook her head, "I only hope they believe our baby came from the only stork working in the world,"

I liked the sound of our baby. I couldn't help but smile at her getting flustered, couldn't help but smile over the fact we had a baby together. 
"oh yeah?" I asked moving back around the counter to the kitchen where she stood next to the counter with her arms crossed. she smiled at me rolling her eyes.

god, I love her, freckled cheeks and her hair falling to her shoulders. I wanted to kiss her only lightly but knew that was out of the question. "yes, I try not to think about them knowing how babies are made,"

"Rosie it's a natural human thing that almost everyone does," I say only inches from her. I place a finger on her arm stepping a bit closer.

"Yeah well it's still weird having them know," she whispers, "god when I had to tell them I was shaking," she chuckled lightly arms falling to her side. I slowly looped my pointer finger with hers.

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