3.1- Rosie

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the dinner was spent mostly in silence. the bruises too clear on both fletcher and harry to let the events from that day be swept under the rug. 

but sam didn't care, she talked everyone's ears off as she went over her weekend in detail. she sat next to me and I tried to keep her clothes as neat as possible since she was prone to spilling all over herself whatever she was eating. fletcher was doing a good job of paying attention to everything she was saying, asking questions and making faces for her to continue. 

she loved to come here, loved to spend time with Harry's side of the family anytime we came over. and I knew the twins would take her out into the backyard and play with her until she came in to lay on the couch. she always left here so tired she sleeps through the whole night without waking up to come into bed with me.  

but the rest of the family sat looking at their plates, eating in silence, listening to sam.  

each clink of forks against plates was more awkward than the last pointing out every time that it was too silent for a regular family dinner. usually, we all talked, laughed, joked but not now. Connor couldn't keep his eyes off of Harry's jaw. the purple bruise dark and rimmed red, busted lip clear on both his and fletcher. 

but dinner was over soon enough. the twins taking sam out to the backyard. harry helped his parents clean up in the kitchen as fletcher and maria moved to the living room. 

I leaned against the doorway to the living room where I could see sam through the glass doors. I jump as I feel someone's hand lightly press to my lower back. 

I turn startled to see harry who chuckles, "sorry for scaring you," I sigh leaning into him without even thinking. his arms instantly wrap around my waist pulling me closer to him as I watch sam playing. his chin rests on my shoulder as I assume he's looking out watching just as I am. "I didn't know I could love someone more than I love you," 

I laugh and he does too the feeling of his chest rumbling against my back and I lay my head against his shoulder, "I know I feel the same way," 

we stand like that for a long moment just us watching sam playing with the twins, running circles around them, her laugh so loud you can hear it even from here. 

"Are you coming home with me tonight?" I ask turning around in his arms. 

"you didn't even buy me a drink," he chuckles and I roll my eyes arms wrapping around his neck.  he leans down a soft peck of his lips against my cheek as he nods. "if you want me of course," 

"as if I couldn't want you," my fingers twist in his curls cut the slightest bit but still long enough to play with. 

"yeah, and how do you want me?" he whispers and I tug on his hair a bit pressing my face into his shoulder my cheeks getting hot.

"stop it we're at your parent's house," my voice soft as I try not to show how embarrassed I was for my own feelings. I was more comfortable with harry but sometimes nervousness found its way between the cracks of confidence.

"not everything has to be sexual," he laughs knowing he made me flustered. 

"you said it in a way that implied that it was in a sexual way," I say pulling away slightly to look at him, "I know you're just teasing me," 

he bites his bottom lip trying to hide his smile but his dimples are showing just the slightest bit and I shake my head as he chuckles. "what with all the teasing you're doing to me-"

"I am not teasing you-"

"liar you're the one who was grinding her hi-"

"will you not bring that up here of all places-"

"Hey, you started it-"

"I did not start it you-"

"you claimed up on me first-"

"you asked me if you could kiss me first-"

"well-" he cut himself off not knowing how to counter. 

"uh hu see you're always the instigator," I say pressing my finger into his chest lightly. "teaser," I whisper and he shakes his head leaning down again to kiss my cheek, hands on my back rubbing circles of comfort. 

"fine I'm the tease, but I promise to be good tonight," 

"Really?" I smile and he pushes his face into my neck, warm breath fanning my skin, hair tickling my chin. "if you are ill let you take my tights off of me," I whisper and he groans pulling away from me as I let out a loud laugh. 

"evil, evil, evil," he mutters shaking his head at me, "you're the true tease don't even try and argue with me about it," 

"what I didn't say anything bad," I shrug and again he groans and I can't help but laugh as his head falls back to my shoulder. 

"please Rosie don't play with my emotions like that or my hormones will go through the fucking roof," he pulls me closer into his body so I'm flush against him, my arms wrapping around his neck as we hold each other. 

I felt so calm as we relaxed against each other. my heart steady for what felt like the first time in a long time. I felt in place next to him, with him, I want more than everything for this to be the rest of my life. for this to be mine forever. I wanted him so bad, wished on every star for this that, and because it was here it felt all too good to be true. so I held him and he held me for similar reasons. both of us not wanting to let go of the other. 

thank you for reading :)

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