0.4- Harry

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three years before 

nothing had never felt more right than that moment. 

the feeling of rosies skin under my hands, of us, so flush together I could feel every breath she took. her fingers in my hair, trailing my body, lighting every nerve on fire. and when her hands lowered to fumble my belt I pulled away. 

I never wanted to pressure her, make her feel as if all I wanted was sex because it was never that with Rosie. it was never just sex. but she persisted and I would never turn her down, not now, not ever. 

I had missed her more than I could ever describe. missed her body more than I knew even if we hadn't spent much time together in that way. she did something to me I just couldn't describe. 

I let my lips find all its old favorite places, each little freckle, and mole, that spot just below her ear, the line of her jaw. her hair now brushing her shoulders but I still played with the ends just as I had before. I put my hand down to her waist, thumbs in the curves of her hips, pulling her closer to me, wanted her closer to me as if that would make up the time we had spent apart. 

her fingers scratched down my chest, stopping at the top of my underwear band. she pulled away looking up at me, still shorter than me, still, with those eyes, you could lose yourself in. "I've never loved someone like I love you," she whispered. 

I brushed her cheek with the pad of my thumb, over the soft skin under her eyes, over her freckles dusted so neatly. "I love you, Rosie, I'll never stop loving you," 

I kissed her deeply, like the world was stuck at this moment, just us. the air still and alive with this golden light around her. she pulled me to the bed, I let her guide me to have me sit. 

there she stood in front of me, in nothing but her simple nude underwear set, the moles on her body like a work of art scattered around and I reach a hand out to pull her closer to me. kissing over each spot as she played with my hair. 

she took off her bra and I couldn't help but breathe, "you're so fucking perfect, so fucking breathtaking," 

and she chuckled shaking her head, cheeks pink, "just kiss me harry,"

I pulled her down on my lap, had her straddle me. nose to nose, her arms around my neck. and I kissed her, kissed her like every kiss was going to be the last. I had lost her once I would never take any time we spent together for granted. I'd leave everything to be with her, I made myself what I am today because of her. 

it didn't take long before the kiss was heated, for both of us to be letting out moans at each movement of rosies hips against mine. her skin soft against my calloused fingers. each sound she made heaven to me. 

her hands on me, making me shudder in the best way, moments when the kiss was broken from her soft laughter, ringing in the back of my throat like a hum. I melted into her, my whole body weak until she pulled away standing before looking back at me. she lifted my hand to the waistband of her underwear, the silky fabric laying so nicely over her. 

"can I take these off of you?" my voice hushed, rough in my throat from the tension building. 

see bit her bottom lip nodding and I linked my fingers in the band slowly pulling the last layer down, letting them pool at her ankles. 

she had grown in confidence with her body, not hiding from me as she had before. 

it was only seconds before I was taking off my last layer and pulling her to me, "so fucking perfect," I muttered against her lips pulling her back down into the position we had been in moments before. I wanted to be as close to her as I possibly could. 

"Are you okay with this?" I asked her and she nodded straddling me before slowly I gripped her hips lowering her down on me. she whimpered closing her eyes as I moaned. no one had ever felt as she had, no one ever would feel as good as she does. she braced her hands on my shoulders nails digging in. "I'm so sorry, tell me if you want me to st-"

"don't stop, harry," she whispered as she slowly sunk down taking in all of me. she leaned her forehead to mine, eyes still closed, body adjusting to me. she was breathing deeply, chest rising and falling steadily. I left open mouth kisses on her neck and slowly her hands moved from my shoulders to wrap around me, fingers in my hair again. 

she began to grind her hips against mine, her breathy moans right in my ear making me shake. I left marks on her neck that she hummed to when I put my lips against her. my hands trailing down her back causing her to shiver in delight. both of us so close to each other, made into one. 

"I want you to stay, stay with me," she whispered her thrusts weak and slow but we didn't need to go fast, didn't need to rush. 

"ill always stay," my face pressed into her cheek, lips on her jaw. "always," 

I adjusted my arms to lift her, helping the movements between us. I loved to watch the way her body reacted to me, how she began to curve into me, whimper my name trying to contain the moans. I couldn't help but let out the deep sounds of pleasure I felt, couldn't help but get utterly lost in her. 

"look at me love," I muttered and she pressed her forehead to mine, nose to nose, "tell me if you're close," 

she nodded biting her lip, "I'm close," 

I picked up speed lifting and lowering her before she moaned, "oh god harry I'm so close," 

I could feel myself coming close, I wanted so badly to savor this moment between us, no dought in my mind this would be the best I had ever had knew this wasn't just sex, knew this was more than that. 

her head rolled back and I attached my lips to her neck, her collarbone, her chest, showering her in love as she came. and as she came down from her high, she placed her face in the crook of my neck fluttering kisses behind my ear as I felt pure bliss, I moaned deeply into her body shaking under her pulling her as close to me as I could as I came undone under her. 

"I love you, I love you so much," she whispered her hand on my chest feeling the beat of my heart. I kissed her shoulder moving up to her collarbone then her neck. "even after seven years I can't help but love you,"

"I love you, Rosie, even after all this time," I whispered as she kissed my neck. "ill never stop loving you," 


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