1.1- Rosie

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"so dinner this weekend at...?"

"let's shoot for seven so I can drop sam off at Ashton's," I smiled as I unlocked my mailbox.

Owen smiled back unlocking his own mailbox. he chuckled and I looked back amused, "what?"

"I don't know I've just been trying to take you out for this whole year and you finally said yes I just was wondering what changed?" he asked pulling out his mail before turning back to face me. his black hair was neatly slicked back, a smirk on the edge of his mouth, blue eyes watching me as I locked my mailbox again.

it had been fletcher who pushed me to finally say yes to Owen. after many attempts to get me to get out after giving birth to sam, I finally caved. Owen was very sweet and I didn't see why I shouldn't at least try dinner once and so I had said yes.

"you just finally got me to say yes," I say shrugging not telling him it had been a struggle for me to even agree.

we were downstairs of our apartment building at the mailboxes. it's how we first met. I had been waiting for Ashton who would drop off sam from daycare since his son also was in the same group as her.

it had been quite funny how Ashton had found out his girlfriend was pregnant at the same time as me. although she had left Ashton alone with his son we had been helpful to one another in the hard time of being single parents. we were closer now than ever before even picking the same daycare to coordinate carpool.

Owen had been checking his mail and I had just started to carry sam in and he had stopped me to hand me a letter that was placed in the wrong box but addressed to me.

he had asked me out for coffee the next time he saw me and I had flat out said no. fletcher said I should have gone.

Owen laughed again now but I didn't care as the door was pushed open and I heard sams whine, "mama Dylan stole my dinosaur!"

"no," Dylan stated as Ashton chuckled carrying both children, one on each hip.

I don't even pay any more attention to Owen as I walk over to take up sam from Ashton.

"she actually dropped it when in her car seat and couldn't reach it," Ashton explained pulling out her blue dinosaur that fletcher had gotten her for her last birthday.

"ash stole it, mama," sam says taking up the dinosaur as I adjust her on my hip.

"what do you say to ash?" I ask her as I try and push back some of her wild curls, she had a leaf tucked behind her ear and I pulling it out handing it to her.

"thank you," she says holding the leaf out to Ashton who takes it.

"is this from your hair again?" he asks and she giggles pushing her face into my neck as she does. she had a tendency to sometimes roll in the grass, her curls collecting twigs and leaves all the time.

"no," she lies and I tickle her side until she giggles a yes.

"say goodbye to Dylan and ash," I say and she waves then bye.

"thank you, Ashton, I'll be sure to pick up Dylan tomorrow at six,"

"Great, he'll be grumpy tomorrow, tonight's the night he calls grandma before bed," and Dylan nods eagerly.

he looked a lot like Ashton with hazel eyes and soft brown curls but you could see his mom in him clear as day. she had been very pretty all clean edges and soft lines. I still remember when Ashton brought him over to show him to everyone. he was so small and even now he hardly made a noise.

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