Chapter 2

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I was on stage. And it felt natural, after the nervousness went away. Today was my 2nd performance ever, and I was singing my newest song, High Hopes:

I flew to the last seat, and back during the bridge, and I felt so so content. Over a million poeple had come to see me sing. I flew in a way that it looked like it was a prop, but I loved the feeling of wind in my face. I opened my mind, and everyone's thoughts were so happy, and loved my song.


The next morning, it was Tuesday, and as I got ready for school, I was humming last night's song. I was so happy and content. Then I remembered - I was starting a new school today, named Foxfire High.

The only other kid I knew here was my COusin, Dex, but the problem was, he was super popular, and was part of the popular group. I, the new kid, probably wasn't going to be welcome.

Oh well, I'd  have to sit alone at lunch and at my classes.

Dex texted me, and I looked at my phone to see what he said.

Hey Cuz

Hey dex.

Do you want to ride the bus, or do you want to go in my car?

I don't think I'm ready for the bus yet, I texted back.

Sure, I'll pick u up around 7, k?


I put down my phone, and I got my clothes out :

I put down my phone, and I got my clothes out :

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Yeah, I wasn't feeling very colorful.

I put my silver hoodie over my shirt, since it was a little chilly.

High School, Here I come!


My periwinkle eyed, rose gold haired, goofy cousin Dex pulled up, and I slung by Black-and-silver backpack over my sholder.

Oh. My. Gods. He has a Lambo!

Dex waved me in, through the window of his car. I was stunned, but I got in. 

You might be wondering, but I might as well mention that I have the highest IQ that the world has ever seen, but I make sure that nobody knows, since I refuse to skip grades.

He smiled, and said "Hey Sophie!"

"Hey," I replied.

After aabout a minute of silence, he said "Did you saw the Moonlark's performance last night? It was the most amazing thing I ever saw!" he gushed.

I smiled internally, but tried to keep a nuetral face on the outside. "Yeah, it was great. Do the other kids at this school like the Moonlark?" I asked.

He looked at me like I asked him if he had 3 eyes. "Of course they do! Our school is like, 20% of all of the Moonlark's fans." He said with a shrug. I got wide eyed, and I got nervous. If they love me so much, what if they recognize me?


471 words!

Thanks so much for reading this guys!


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