Chapter 26

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Sophie's POV

I run after Biana.

When I get to Everglen, I look around for her.

I see her sitting on a bench, outside.

I come up to her and sit next to her.

"Um, if it makes you feel better, I told him to pick you. I wanted you to get picked. I didn't think he would pick me. I'm sorry." I say, looking away.

I did want Tam to pick Biana. If he picked her, things between Biana and I would clear up. I wished he did.

"Hey, It's not your fault. I'm not mad at you, I just, well, I've been used to being the girl Tam always picked. I overreacted. I should be the one saying sorry." 

Suddenly, Fitz's voice fills my head. I freeze at what I hear.

I get up as fast as I can, and pull Biana up with me. She looks at me confused. I grab her, and fly up into the sky. She screams. Then I transmitt to her.

I'm a telepath as well as a flyer, don't react. We don't have time. Actually Biana, you did a good thing overreacting. Now, we both are here. 

And, um, Fitz just transmitted to me, saying the Neverseen are in the fields, and they're capturing the others. Then, he cut off, like something turned off his power or something...

No. No. No NO! 

Um, the Neverseen must have put a power restricter on Fitz and the others, to lessen the risk. 

We're a minute away now. Do you think they'll still be there?

Probably. They're trying to get me to come to them, they know I'll come to save the others.

Why though?

Um, cuz of that, um, project thingy.

Can you tell me what that is, now?

Sorry, I um, uh- We're Here! 

I cut our connection.

I freeze at what I see below me. They're loading the others into a truck. And None of them are consious!

Wait a minute...

Tam's still awake! He looks at me for a sec, then looks away.

The drug must've not worked on him.

I open my mind to Biana's again.

Biana! Tam's still awake. I don't know how this will help us, but here's the plan. I'll put you down, then get the Neverseen's attention. I need you to turn invisible and free the others. I'll be good. Now go save your boyfriend!

Wait - who?

Tam, duh.

I cut our connection.

I put Biana down about 20 meters behind the Neverseen. She turns invisible, and I go to the front of the neverseen.

"Ah, so you're finally here, huh?" One of them sneer.

"I'm here. So, take me and release my friends." I say, hoping my voice sounded braver than I felt.

The guy in front snorted. "Yeah right. We need you to answer us first. You wanna join us, or them. You know which one is better." He says/sneers (A/N I need a better word!!)

I freeze, thinking about what I should say. "You know... I think I'll join the Neverseen. I mean, the black swan made me a freak, they made my parents leave, and even now  my friends still treat me like an outsider." I say.

I was lying of course, but they accepted it. They handcuffed me, and then the released the others.

Linh, Marella, Dex, and Keefe were still drowsy, but Tam's eyes were looking betrayed.

He must have bought my shannigan. 

"Now that you've freed them, can you, um, like, maybe put them in something like a temporary jail, which will open when after a certin amount of time? Because they're dangerous when not constrained." I say, appearing nervous.

The one that seemed to be the Neverseen group leader, tilted his head in thought. "Good idea. And, you just proved yourself, so we'll reveal our identity." He says, somewhat warmly.

After my friends are in the jail, and Biana still hasn't come back, the Neverseen goons take off their hoods. Most of them are menacing looking men, but the Leader...

I freeze.


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