Chapter 32

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Sophie's POV


I look around until my eyes meet Forkle's.

"Tomorrow is the 31st." I say, hoping he gets the hint.

Tomorrow morning, around 6 AM, I have to be at Calla's studio to record a couple new songs.

And her studio is about 2 hours away.

It going to be a little suspicious if I leave the house in the morning at 4.

Forkle shakes his head, and turns around. "Figure it out. I'm not having you kids drive home when it's this late." He says, then walks out the door.

A minute later, I hear his car leave the driveway.

Biana claps his hands. "Sleepover! Without parents!" She squeals.

I rolls my eyes.

I turn around, facing away from them. "Same setup as last time, except, if you have dorms, you sleep there." I start to walk away when two hands clasp each of mine.

I turn around to see Marella holding one, with Lihn on the other.

Lihn makes a puppy dog face. "We can't sleep yet! We have to have a fun sleepover!" She says, eyes locking with mine.

I sigh.

"FIne. But this ends at 12." I say, then walk back to everyone else.

Marella claps her hands, and her braids go swinging. 

"Come on! Let's play truth or dare!" She says, and sits down on my carpet.

My eyes widen at the horror. "Wai-" I get cut off by Dex yanking my arm to get me to sit down in the circle they're sitting at.

I end up sitting between Percy and Keefe, across from Tam.

"Who goes first?" Fitz asks.

Biana's hand shoots up. "Me! Hey Dex, truth or dare?" She says.

Dex pales. "Uhhh... truth?" He says, nervously wringing his hands. 

Biana smirks. "Who was your first ever crush?" She asks.

Dex somehow pales and blushes at the same time. "Uhhh... this redhead named Ember back in 2nd grade. Now, my turn!" He grins maniacally.

"Tam, truth or dare?" Tam's eyebrows shot into his hairline.

"I never turn down a dare." He says, shrouding himself in some more shadows.

Dex opens his mouth, then closes it, thinking. 

I hold up my hands. "Wait, are we playing with Alicorns?"

I'm met with a chorus of "What?".

I smile. "So, if you don't want to do a dare, then you have to take off a piece of clothing." I say.

Biana nods. "We should do that!" She squeals.

Dex smirks. "Okay, Tam, I have an idea." 

"You have to go outside, and yell Happy Shadow Thoughts as loud as you can."

Tam rolls his eyes as Biana, Lihn, Marella, and I burst out laughing.

When Tam doesn't move, Keefe raises an eyebrow and smirks. "Awww, is Bangs Boy scaared?"

Tam rolls his eyes again, and this time he gets up. "Fine." We all get up to follow him, and he goes into the dormitory.

Oh. The only back door he knows of.

Biana squeals. "This is where you guys sleep?" She says, looking between Keefe and Lihn.

Lihn nods while Keefe smirks.

"Yup!" They chorus.

Tam just rolls his eyes and pushes out of the back door.

Turning back and shooting a quick glare at Dex, he shouts :


I fall back into somebody's arms as I start laughing really hard, unable to stop and not caring whose arms I'm in.

After a minute, my laughing finally ceases to exist and I see Tam glare at me.

Or, more specifically, over my shoulder at who's holding me.


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