Chapter 19

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Sophie's POV

I reread the note once more.

Dear Ms. Foster.

Our sources state that you are part of the Black Swan's 'project'.

You know what we are talking about.

The Black Swan made you a genetic experiment.

Do you really want to be a part of them? Part of  the group of people who made you a freak?

We don't think you are a freak, Sophie.

The Neverseen can be a home to you, as it is to so many other supers.

Leave those people who shun you for being what you are.

Come join us.

-The Neverseen.

I run out of the bedroom, into the living room ,where the others are at.

I stay by the door.

Keefe notices me first. He has a smirk on his face, but then notices my face.

His expression changes into one of concern.

"Foster? What's wrong?" He says, walking up to me.

I stay silent, and just hand it over to him.

His eyes scan it over, while the others notice us and come over.

"You know what they're talking about, Foster?" He asks.

I look away.

He hands it to the others.

Linh comes over and gives me a hug after she reads it. I sink into it.

"Thanks. I needed that." I say to Linh, before turning to the others.

"You guys know that I wouoldn't leave the Black Swan, right? No matter, um, what the project did to me." I say, looking away for the last part.

"What exactly is the project, Sophie?" Fitz asks.

I look away again. "It-Um-I- It doesn't matter." I manage to stutter.

"Sophie. We can't help you without knowing what's wrong." Tam says. It's the first time I've heard his voice so soft.

I don't look at him, remebering Biana again. Then I get sad.

"It doesn't matter. Just, just leave it alone, okay? Don't put more salt on the wound. Please. And don't give me any of that pity you are hitting me with. I'm not helpless" I say.

I feel Percy's arm go around me, and I lean into him.

Thank you, Big Brother. I transmit into his mind. I feel him give me a slight nod.

My phone rings from inside my pocket.

It's Ms. Calla.

"I'll be back." I say, then walk back into my room, and lock the door.


Tam's POV


I look at the place where Sophie just was.

"Anybody know anything at all about this project?" Biana asks.

I shrug, just as everybody else except Percy.

He nods. "I do, but I'm sworn to secrecy by Mr. Forkle, until Sophie tells you guys herself." He shrugs.

I run my hand down my face. "I feel so bad. We don't shun Sophie, right?" I say.

Everybody shakes their head no.

"I mean, she recieved a cryptic note from the people who want to kill her. She should be shook up. But, maybe something happened before that. She looked like she was going through something last night." Marella says, flipping her hair over her shoulder.

Keefe nods. "She told me about it. I guess she trusts me. But it's not my secret to tell. She's just... having a hard time. Don't push her." He says.

Why'd she tell him of all people?

Why not me?

Then I remember that Keefe can feel my emotions.

"Aww, is Bangs Boy feeling jeeeeealous that Foster told me instead of him?" Keefe says with a smirk.

I roll my eyes. "It's not jealousy. I'm just wondering why she would trust you of all people. She didn't even tell her brother!" I say.

Then I suddenly remember that we have to go to school.

I glance at the clock. "Oh shoot! We have to be at school in 10 minutes!" I say.

"Your parents dropped off your school supplies this morning. They're all here."

I freeze at the voice.

It's Sophie.

She rolls her eyes at my expression. "Yes, it's me. Think I'd forget about school?" Sha says.

"Probably not, considering-humph!" Sophie clamped her hand over Percy's mouth.

"Zip-it." She says, giving him the death glare.

I turn to the others as I roll my eyes. "Anybody getting tired of all of Sophie's secrecy?" I ask, getting my stuff.

Keefe shrugs. "She's the Mysterious Miss F. It's her job, Bangs Boy." he says.


So, um, I don't know if I should make this a Sotam of Sokeefe story.

PLease comment your opinion!




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