Chapter 6

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I freeze. "Umm... can I ask who will be there?" I ask, trying not to let them know that I'm procastinating.

Biana smiles. "There will be Lihn and Tam, Dex, Marella, my brother Fitz, and his best friend Keefe Sencen." I pretend to think. "Umm... how about I ask my parents before I say anything. Oh, and also, if they say yes, can I bring a friend?" I ask, remembering Percy. Biana smiles again, her teal eyes shimmering. I had to remember what a mean person she was, when she wasn't trying to impress Tam. 

"Sure!" she says. I almost throw up at her tone. Ugh. Having to spend the night with this girl?

Welp. I text my adopted mom, Edaline :

S - hey mom! My frnd Biana called me over for a sleepover, can i go?

E - Sure! We r free tonight. Will she take u 2 school tomorrow?

S - Lemme ask, one sec

"Hey Biana, my mum says sure, but she's asking if you'll drive me to school tomorrow?" I ask, disgusted at the fact that I'll have to be in the same vehicle as her. Ugh. (A/N - Sorry I am making Biana seem so mean, I just needed a character who is mean to Moonlark but nice to Sophie...)

Biana smirks. "You think I'll let you ride that filthy bus? Oh no. no way. You are coming with me to school tomorrow!" I raise an eyebrow but shrug. Then I remember Tam. I turn to him, and stage whisper to him "Is she always like this?" Tam just smirks, and says back whispering "Nope. She changed her personality just for you!" The sarcasm was laid think. He even added sarcastic jazz hands at the end. I roll my eyes and text to my mom that she will, and that I'll need to come home to pick a few stuff up.

I turn to Biana, shrug and ask "When do I have to be there?"


As I pull up with Dex (we carpooled), I see Biana standing outside a mansion. And when I say a mansion, what you imagine is nowhereclose to the actuall size of the building :

 And when I say a mansion, what you imagine is nowhereclose to the actuall size of the building :

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I walk in, and I see boy number 1 from ealier. Chestnut brown hair, and teal eyes like Biana. He holds his hand up in a sort of wave. "Iḿ Fitz Vacker. And youŕe Sophie, right?" I nod, not meeting his eyes. I felt sort of cramped since I hadn flown at all since last light. Almost 20 hours!

"Hi... and yeah." I say. I turn to Dex. "I forgot my phone in the car, can you open it while I get my phone real quick?" He shrugs and just gives me the keys. I am surprised - nobody has ever trusted me enough to let me hold their car keys. Wow...

And, to be honest, I didn't forget my keys, I just needed to fly for a sec or I would be cranky all night.

I ran outside, and hid behind his car for a sec, the floated for a few seconds, close to the ground. We have got to go outside sometime, right? I'll fly when nobody is looking.

I'm still hovering when I hear a gasp. I crash down, and turn around. When I see who it is, I freeze.

Secretive - Kotlc Human AU - Hidden Series Book 1Where stories live. Discover now