Chapter 7

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I slowly turn around, freezing when I saw who it is. Well, I didn't know who it was, since they had a hood covering their face. For a second, they didn't do anything, then removed the hood. I sighed a sigh of relieve. Percy.

He was scowling. "You can't do that in public Sophie!! Someone will see you! WHat if I was someone else!" He hisses. I hang my head, mumbling that I felt cramped. His eyes softened.

I looked up and just said "Let's go inside. Biana will be waiting.". 

Percy raises his eyebrows. "Biana? As in Bi-Bi-V? As in the person who is super jealous of you?" He says, not believing me. I look away. "Apparently she is super nice to Sophie. Let's go." I grab his hand and drag him into the house, smirking.


Me and Percy walk in, and are greeted by a room full of people. (Not rteally full, a room in the Vacker Mansion can't be 'full'). Biana sashays up to me.

"Hey Sophie! Lemme introduce you to everyone here. This is my brother Fitz," she said, pointing to Boy 1 from ealrier. "This is Keefe," boy number 2 from ealier, "You know Tam, Lihn, and Dex," pointing to each of them, "And Marella." she said, pointing to a petite girl with ice blue eyes and blonde hair with braids woven in. 

Then Biana turns back to me. Or, to be more precise, looks over my shoulder. "And who is this?" she asks, pointing to Percy. I internally rolled my eyes at the way she batted her eyes when she asked. 

"This," I say, gesturing to Percy, "is my friend brother, Percy." Percy gived a sort of wave. I roll my eyes and sit down next to Keefe and lounged. Then I turned to Marella. I can usually figure out a person's personality by their clothing. Marella was wearing a fire themed outfit : a red denim jacket, a black crop top, and some black leggings with flames at the bottom. Seems like a flaming personality - snarky, sarcastic, but nice and fashionable. 

"Yo, Foster! You come here to just sit and look at all of us?" I give Keefe my best Death Glare. He widened his eyes and flushed. I flip my hair over my shoulder, then I turn to all the girls. Just as I do, Biana squeals. Oh no

"We should do makeovers!!!" She squaled. I widen my eyes and start to say no way, but before I can, all of the other girls squeal and yell "Sure!" I roll my eyes and get up with them.

I make a face. "Are we doing fancy or casual? I would say casual since I think we should do outside at some point..." Everyone except Biana nods. She puts, "But-but... Fiiiiiiiine. Let's go girls! Boys, meet us at the bottom of the staircase in an hour." I look at her like she is crazy. An Hour?

I shrug then walk up the stairs with the other girls.


"Biana, do you still like Tam?" asks lihn as she does Biana's hair. I have to hold in my puke.

Biana turns crimson and mutters something indecipherable. I raise my eyebrows, as do Lihn and Marella. She turns even darker red, then squeaks a "Yes". Both Lihn and Marella start toi squeal. I roll my eyes.

"How much longer do I have to be surronded my so much pink?" I ask, looking around Biana's room. It looks like a disney princess threw up inside of it. Ew.

Biana rolls her eys. "Just let Lihn finish my hair, then we can go." I look at all the girls. Marella looked like this :

 Marella looked like this :

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Secretive - Kotlc Human AU - Hidden Series Book 1Where stories live. Discover now