Chapter 14

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Sophie's POV

Mr. Forkle walks into the house. I smile, and he gives me a hug.

"Could you come up to my room? My parents left a few minutes ago but still..."

Forkle rolls his eyes. "You kids. Whatever.. let's go." he says.

I lead him up the stars, and transmit to Tam that we're coming.

I take a deep breath, and enter.

Tam's POV


Sophie transmits that Forkle and she are entering. We all sit down in a circle, with a chair at one end and a spot for Sophie to sit.

Keefe has been assigned to read Forkleś emotions, to make sure he's telling the truth.

Sophie enters. She looks over my head and fliches slightly, and starts fingering the part of the sleeve that goes over her shoulder. Then she regains composure, and turns to Forkle.

Forkle looks like he's exhausted when he sees us. Then Sophie hands him something. Probably the necklace.

Forkle s his temples. 

Sophie turns to him, and seems to be having a telepathic conversation for a few seconds.

"Mr. Forkle. You know who these people are. I was over at the Vacker's today, and one of them fell of a cliff. You know that I can fly, and I flew down to catch them before they... yeah. Now, I know about the Black Swan. You know who my parents are. You need to tell me who they are. You also know they gave me this necklace. Please. Explain everything. I... I know what you did to the memories of my parents. Please. Return them. Please." Sophie was begging and had tears in her eyes by the end. 

I met Lihn's eyes. She nodded.

She went up to Sophie and supported her. Sophie looked weak. And she grimaced when Lihn touched her shoulder. I turn back to Forkle. He seems to be... transmitting something to her. She nods.

'"'Anything, and everything." She whispers.

He smiles. But it dimineshes soon enough. "Do they know about..." he asks, trailing off when Sophie shakes her head.

I get up. "What do we not know?" I growl.

Sophie's eyes widen. "No-nothing!" she says, glancing at Biana. 

I glare at her. She looks away.

"Anything else?" she asks Forkle.

He sits down in the chair we had provided while Sophie and Lihn sit down on the sofa.

"You know that the Black Swan is a organization with people who have superpowers. We only have about a a third of the people in the world in the world with superpowers with us. Another third is with the neverseen, who are a rival organization with the same goals as us, but a more sinister way of reaching them. And, one third are nuetral and live normally in the world." Forkle says.

"But, there is more. Do you have a room in which we can talk, alone?" He asks Sophie. She nods, glances at Lihn, and nods for her to sit down. 

She goes to the middle of her right wall, and does a crazy pattern of things that look like a sort of... password? Whatever.

Then the door opens up after she does her signature. It leads into a room with all black walls and very little lighting. She nods at Mr. Forkle to follow her.


Sophie's POV

I lead Forkle into my 'Quiet' room. The room I go into to record my songs and music tracks for my singing videos.

I sit down, and so does Forkle. 

He starts to talk. "About 17 years ago, the Black Swan had an Idea. Or more precisely, I did. What if we created a person with superpowers, that could change the course of history? So, we had two people give in samples of their DNA. I edited and manipulated their DNA to make a powerful genetic combo. Then, seconds after I sparked light in my creation, I put the dna into the lady who gave her DNA. Then the girl was born. When she turned 5, her parents gave her a necklace so she could always remember them. Then, because of classified reasons, they died. I took the girl, and wiped all her memories of her parents, and got her adopted. I've been waiting for the right moment to tell the little girl ever since. And that project's name was Project Moonlark. You might have guessed it Sophie. You are the powerful girl. And you will change the course of history. You guessed it - you will get more siperpowers of time. And I know you will use them right. Be brave, my moonlark." With that, Forkle left the room.

I was in tears by the end. I wiped them off and then entered the room with all of my new friends. Except Biana of course.

As I come in, Forkle gives me a sad smile. I give him one too.

Then he wipes it off his face and in his gruff voice, he says "Sophie is now part of the Black swan. Tam and Lihn, I need you too introduce Sophie to everything. Keefe and Biana, I need you to get her a dorm room close to Lihn. Fitz and Dex, I need you to get her the gadgets that the Team Captains have."

I turn to Forkle, confused. "Captain?" I ask.

Forkle smiles. 

"Yes, Sophie. Team Captian. You, will be the captain of all these fellow heroes." He says, guesturing to all of my new friends. Including Biana, who gives me a stink eye.

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