Chapter 4

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OMG so sorry guys I wrote this yesterday, but it din't publish. Sorry! So i will try to get another chapter as soon as i can... and OMG 230 READS!!! TYSM!!!


I walked out of the office, and I was met by a giant crowd of people, all ready for morning announcements. And there were so many people

No way  they will notice me - one person coming out of the principals office, right?

Boy was I wrong. The second I walked in, it was so quiet you could here a feather drop. And when I looked up, Every. Single. Damn. Person. Was looking at me.

Nobody said anything for a few seconds, just looked me up and down. Then a girl with curly brown hair and menacing blue eyes walked up to me. She was being followed by 2 girls, people I automatically named 'the minions'. The girl with brown curly hair had on a purple shirt, and a white leather jacket, an outfit I remembered as the 'I'm so sassy and you are nothing' from my last school, but the girl is unfamiliar.

"Hey  New Girl. The name is Stina. Yours...?" She said, somewhat nicely. I just mumbled "Sophie." She tilted her head. "What? Did u say freak?". I looked at her with wide eyes. She must be the school bully

I stood up taller, and in a snarkier voice, I said "Nope. You just need your hearing aid. It's Sophie. You got a problem with that?" I say. She widened her eyes and just left, her face flushed. 

Dex walked up to me with wide eyes. "Nobody has ever embarassed Stina before. Wow."

I shrug, and ask him his locker number. "231" he says. "Cool! Mine is 232, right next to yours!" I exclaim happily. 


I walk into the cafeteria, about 5 min late. I spot Dex, and he waves me over. He is sitting alone, in the middle of the cafeteria. I shrug and come over. 

In a few minutes the entire cafeteria is looking at our table. Whispering. I look down and don't say anything. The snark from earlier disappears.

Two kids walk over to the table. They look like twins. A girl, with black hair dipped in silver, and a super nice auro sort of surrounding her. She smiled at me as she sat down. Her twin... a whole different story. 

His appearence was just like the girl, except more manish and broody. Bangs, dipped in silver. A mysterious but shadowy aura aroung him. (A/N - she doesn't see the aura, just guessing their personality) But gods he was so handsome. 1/4 of the girls in the cafeteria was oggling.

The girl came up and sat accross from me. "Hey! I'm Lihn, and this is my brother Tam," she said gestruing to her brother. "You're Sophie, right?" I nod, looking away. Dex must've seated me at the popular table. Ugh. "Hi." I mumble. I look up, and Tam is glaring at me. "Why don't you go sit with all of your fans over there." He said, clearly annoyed. Ouch. I started to get up but Dex stopped me. He glared at Tam, and Tam, being, well, Tam, just shrugged. 

Suddenly, the lights went dark, then started to disco. 3 students entered the cafeteria, and there were 2 boys and a girl. Boy 1 had chestnut brown hair and teal eyes, and boy number 2 had blond hair, all messed up, with ice blue eyes. What is with the people here and their blue eyes?

Then I spotted the girl. It was Biana Vacker, another famous singer, with stage name Bi-Bi V. I looked away, remembering our encounter. I was backstage at my second performance, and Biana had come up to me, looking jealous. Screamed at me, saying "You aren't going ever going to be as famous  as me! I WILL ALWAYS BE BETTER!!!"

I looked away, and saw the way Tam looked at Biana, with a dreamy look on his face. He snapped out of it, spotting me looking at him. I stood up, jealousy and hatred burning inside. Why does he like her? And why was I jealous?

I dumped my tray, and just as I left the cafeteria, Percy walked up to me. Oop, i forgot he goes here too! I stopped, ignoring the stares burning into my back. Including Dex and Lihn's confused ones. "I need to go," I said, glancing back at the popular table. Percy looked at me confused, but said "Alright. I'll see you later."

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