Chapter 45

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Sophie's POV - It'll start in her POV but it'll change later...


My eyes fly open and I shoot into a sitting position.

My breathing is labored, and I look around.



The moon shines bright outside the window, and I glance at the clock.

2:38 AM.

I look around again, and my breath starts to hitch as the shadows look like they're stretching toward me.

I push out of bed, the comforter strangling me.


The walls close in on me, and I run and open the door.


The hallway closes in on me as I sprint through it, trying to get outside into the fresh air.


I lunge and grab the door handle as the shadows close in on me.


The fresh air swallows me as I step outside, and I feel my feet lifting off the ground.

I feel myself floating higher and higher, and I finally stop going up when I reach the roof.

I look up and smile when I see the stars.

It wasn't like in movies, where there were so many stars that you couldn't pinpoint a single one. Movies ruined the way stars were supposed to be seen.

Instead, there was a freckling of stars, just enough to make out som main constellations.

I float backward and down, softly sitting on the corner of the roof and lightly hugging my knees.

(A/N Like this, but at night and she was wearing pjs, and there were hills around her not buildings lmao :P)

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(A/N Like this, but at night and she was wearing pjs, and there were hills around her not buildings lmao :P)

I sigh as my dream's fleeting memory comes back.

I flop down backwards, staring up at the sky.

Why did life have to be so hard?


Tam's POV


I sigh as I will sleep to come to me.

But, alas, my eyes will not shut.


I sit up, running a hand through my bangs.

I swing my legs over the side of my bed, and I get up, stretching silently.

I don't know what made me do it, but I started walking.

I didn't know where I was going.

But, when I opened a approached a familiar doorway, my breath hitched.

The black doorknob willed me to open it, and I finally did, running a hand through my bangs again.

I silently creeped it open, and whirled around to silently close it behind me.

I turned around, and my heart started thudding as I realised she wasn't there.

"Sophie?" I whisper yell, looking around.

I comb through her entire room, and then I walk into the hallway outside. 

A cool breeze chills me and I turn the corner to see the front door open.

What if they took her?



I'm alive! I can't believe it!!

I know this chappy is super short and mostly a filler but I didn't want to combine it with the next since the next chapter is already so long...

But anyway, please tell me what you think of my writing, since I'm conviced that nobody is reading this crap.

Any type of criticism - constructive or even hateful, I'll take!

Anyway, what kinds of questions do you want asked during the trust excersize later? *waggles eyebrows*

Please, don't be a silent reader, I want to hear your thoughts! 

Vote, share, and fan!


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