4 years later.

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Sophie's POV - 4 years later. Sophie is 25. 

*A/N - bear w/me, this chapter is lowk cringe and wayyy too short but I needed to do it to get the story back on track*

I step out of the shower, drying my hair in-between my towel. I stop and look in the mirror and smile. It's taken me forever, but I've built up my self-esteem.

I look up at the clock and grin. It's tiiiiime!

I look one last time in the mirror, before heading out. I'm wearing a light blue summer dress with a square neckline. I pull the neckline slightly up out of habit, ruffling my still-wet hair.

I sprint to the door & open the door halfway.

I look around in confusion as I open the door fully. 

Where is he?

Suddenly I recognize the black car standing on the street.

I pretend not to see him as he gets out of the car, grabbing my silver sandals from where they're sitting next to the door. I glance at him, and quickly look away again. I try not to stop a grin from spreading out on my face. 

I close the door, and sit back down to mess with my bracelet as he makes his way up the driveway.

White tennis shoes come into my peripheral vision, and he clears his throat.

I glanse up, feighning surprise as he smiles down at me.

"Oh, you're here?" I say, confused.

He raises his perfectly sculpted eyebrows. "Is Sophie home?"

I stand up, slinging my light brown purse onto my shoulder. "Why? Are you her agent?"

"Nah, I'm her boyfriend. We're supposed to go out for her birthday today."

"Oh, really? Well, she's busy. She's going out with Alex today." I cross my arms.

His eyebrows drop and his eyes turn dark. He steps closer until the tips of our shoes touch and I have to crane my neck to look into his eyes. He leans in, and I can count the barely-there freckles on his deep brown skin. His hair tickles my forehead as he stops, his mouth an inch from mine.

"Well, that's not acceptable, is it?" He murmers. And with one swift move, he scoops me up bridal-style, and marches down the driveway to his car as I laugh.

He deposits me into the passenger seat and walks around to his own seat.

Once we're settled in, I clik on my seatbelt and turn to face him.

"Well, chauffeur Avi, where are we going?"

"Nowhere Alex can afford to go."


I rock backwards, my body shaking as I laugh out loud. Avi is concentrated on getting this one piece of tomato onto his fork as it keeps eluding him, sliding around.

I take another bite of my pasta as my smile stays on my face. 

I never thought I'd be able to recover. But here I am, sitting in a michelin-star resteraunt with my boyfriend, celebrating 3 years together.

But was it right to cut off Percy and the others?

Secretive - Kotlc Human AU - Hidden Series Book 1Where stories live. Discover now