Chapter 20

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Sophie's POV

After an exhousting first few periods, I entered the cafeteria.

I looked around for the Swan Gang (As I was now calling them), and Stina Came up to me.

"Looks like the freak survived a day of school. How's it running for ya?" She sneers.

"Better if you didn't exist. But, you do, so oh well. But, I'm going to leave now. Ta-Ta!" I say, not feeling in the mood to bash Stina today.

I sit down between Keefe and Percy.

As I start to chew, Tam, Linh, Marella, Fitz, and Biana sit down across from me.

"You okay, Soph?" Linh asks.

I smirk. "Never been better!" I say with fake enthusiasm and jazz hands.

"Finding out that I'm a freak for real, makes it hard to bash Stina. I mean, she isn't wrong anymore." I mumble, looking at my lap.

"No matter what that 'project' was, you are an amazing person.  Don't ever forget." Biana says.

I stare at her in shock.

Is this the same person as the one who said to stay away from Tam?

Speaking of Tam...

I continue to totally ignore him, like he doesn't exist. It hurts him, but it's easier to stay awawy from him if I do.


Tam's POV


She's still avoiding me.

And it still hurts.

We start our own conversations, and she laughs at something Keefe said.

Biana get's our attention. "Hey! Since yesterday's sleepover didn't work, wanna have one at my house today?" Everyone except percy and sophie nod.

Sophie glances at Percy.

"Me and percy will have to come a bit late. We... have to do a little something. Is that okay?" She asks.

"Sure! Can you come around 7?" Biana says.

"Sure." Sophie says, just as the bell rings.


Sorry that was short!

It was sort-of a filler, sry.



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