Chapter 37

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Sophie's POV


I shoot up as I feel something cool on my forehead.

"Wha-what? Guys?" I say, shaking my head.

"Sophie?" I hear someone say say.

The bleariness from my eyes blurs away, and my eyes adjust to the brightness of the room.

It blinds me.

"Ugh. My head." I groan, my head throbbing like I hit a truck.

I lay back down, wincing at the pain.

The bed shifts as someone sits next to me. I close my eyes, hoping to stop the pain.

"Give me your hand, Soph." I hear a voice say.

The voice seems so... far away.

As if in another world.

"Sophie?" Another voice, but I can't place it.

I feel someone pick my hand up, but my limbs feel like lead.

Suddenly, an ice blue breeze rips through my head, calming, soothing.

I sigh as a small amount of pain shifts away.

But without the distraction of pain, the darkness comes back.

It swallows me whole.

I struggle to breathe, my lungs feeling like they were ripped out of my chest.

Faces flash in the dark.

A head of blond curls, a head of shaggy brown hair.

Blue eyes.

"No, no!" I yell, ripping my hand out of whoever was holding it, clutching my head.

"No!" I scream, seeing the fire consume everything I loved.

The beautiful mountains around, too pretty to fit in with the horror happening in front of me.

"Soph..." The voice fades away, everything fades away as the flames come for me.

Run, Sophie!

Voices in my head start to jumble.

The flame comes closer, threatening to consume me.

I feel a hand clutch mine, pulling it away from my head.

Another one grabs my other hand, pulling it away.

The blue breeze comes back, followed by something new.

It was chasing the shadows away, a new, comforting dark.

One that held promises.

The ice blue comforts me, the silvery black fighting the monsters.

I don't know which one I'm thankful for more.

Suddenly, one of the bad shadows get past.

A picture of Amy.


I cower, remembering everything I couldn't protect.

The ice blue and silvery black shift into the backdrop as I conscend into darkness.

I feel them reaching, holding a combined hand out for me.

I don't try to reach up.

You are worthless.

Adrubtly, I hear something.

A/N This is the song she's talking about hearing, just pretend it's a guy singing it :

"Oh daughter of the moon."

"Oh daughter of the moon."

"Oh daughter of the moon, 

sister of the clouds, 

they call you lightning lightning cuz' 

wherever you strike you destroy everthin', 

even the stars are really shy...

Oh cindrella..."

I feel myself getting pulled out by those words.

The beautiful voice lifts me out of the darkness.

I'm flying toward it.

I finally open my eyes.


I know this was a really dark chapter, but bear with me!

More is coming soon!

 I think I might post another chapter tmrw, but maybe today if we're lucky :)

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