Chapter 9

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A/N I edited this, so Sophie's mind is inpenatrable :)

"You guys have powers?" I ask, not really surprised.

I mean, they didn't try to send me to Area 51 to get inspected... I'm being overdramatic! Nobody would do that...

Tam narrows his eyes. He looks at me like I'm a bug under a microscope. I turn around, slightly terrified. 

I study all the people in front of me. 

Dex, my cousin, tech wonder. As I think that, it clicks. He must be a technopath!

Let's see if I can figure them out...

Marella, a person I met an hour ago, firey personality. Ah. Pyrokinetic. Fire powers.

Lihn, Tam's twin. She's a little harder... wasn't Dex saying that she's the best swimmer on the swim team earlier?  Ohhhh... hydrokinetic. Water powers.

Keefe, a guy, with good looks my brain thought without my permission. SOPHIE! Not the time! Anyway, Keefe acts like he knows what everyone's feeling.... right. Empath.

Fitz, Biana's brother, and... ummm... I have no clue.

Tam, a guy, crushing on Biana, SOPHIE! Right. He seems dark and mysterious... though what power does that relate too?

Biana, a absolute meanie (A/N GOSH that sounded so childish lol), crushing on Tam... super confident. Hmmm...


Fitz steps forward. He tilts his head to the side, confused. "Why can't I get into your mind? It's like... impenatrable. And that's coming from me, Fitz Vacker. You might as well know... I'm the most powerful telepath in the world. So..."

I smirk. "I special. That's all."

Then I look around. "Anyone going to answer my question from ealier? You guys have powers? Come on, Keefe. You feel how frustrated I'm feeling." I roll my eyes.

I narrow my eyes when Keefe looks away, and nobody answers. Then I roll them.

I turn to Percy. I walk toward him and whisper in his ear "You coming with me? Or will you come alone. They aren't going to answer anyway." He hesitates, then nods. I take that as he wants to come with me. I grab his hand, then turn to the others, staring at their shoes.

"The mistake people make these days," I say, "is that they don't look up."

Then, still holding Percy's hand, I fly up into the sky.


Hey Guys! 

I'm thinking about doing somebody else's POV, who should I do?


Shadow, out -->

Secretive - Kotlc Human AU - Hidden Series Book 1Where stories live. Discover now