Chapter 8

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As I zoom downwards, Lihn starts to scream.

I get close, then the next thing I know I am holding her Bridal Style. I zoom back upward toward the cliff, and feel that Lihn's breathing has become rough. She probably hurt them screaming so much.

As I come toward the cliff, Tam comes into view. Before he sees Lihn and me, his face... is pure anguish. I rise up, slowly. I hover over the grass, and put her in Tam's arms. He looks at me with a look of gratitude and wonder. Then I remeber - I'm still hovering in the air. I quickly set myself down then look at the others.

They are all gaping at me - not including Percy, of course. He runs a hand through his hair.

"You can't scare us like that Sophie! And they weren't supposed to know about your power!" He yells.

I look away. Then I look back, boldness in my posture. "I'd rather be punished for making the right desicion than Live with the guilt of making the wrong one." I say, tears welling in my eyes.

Now the other's won't treat me the same anymore. I've always just wanted to fit in. Not knowing what to do, my hold on my telapathy weakens, and I hear everyone's thoughts. 

I freeze at what I hear.

"You guys have powers too?"

Secretive - Kotlc Human AU - Hidden Series Book 1Where stories live. Discover now