Chapter 24

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Sophie's POV

Biana narrows her eyes. She reaches for my hand, and whispers in my ear. "We need to talk."

I just follow her as she goes into her room. Honestly, I'm super scared.

She closes the door. She runs a hand through her hair, and sits down. She motions for me to as well.

"I'm going to be honest, Sophie. When I met you, I wanted to hate you. You just - seemed perfect. Kind. Caring. Hardworking. I'm - I'm none of those. But, I can't. I just - really want to be your friend as I get to know you. I'll let Tam choose his girl. Don't be mean to be him either - I can't watch him get hurt. But, back to me. Can - can you forgive me?" She says.

I'm. Shocked. To. The. Core.

I open my mind to her mind, and it's pure. All genuine.

I smile, and hug her. "Thank you. You have no idea how much this means to me. Thank you. And, of course, I forgive you." I say, so so thankful.

She smiles, and gets up. I get up right after her.

"Thank you. Again." I say, then leave the room, smiling.

I get back to the others, who are looking at me expectantly. I smile, and throw out my hands. "The AMAZING Sophie Foster is here to stay!" I yell.

Everyone smiles. I catch Tam's eye and smile.

He smiles back.


We go outside, and Biana's mom comes out. "I'm Della, Fitz and Biana's mom. And you must be the famous Sophie." She says with a smile.

I grin. "I must be." I say.

"I've got  a surprise for all of you - follow me!" She says to us.

I throw a questioning look at Fitz. He shrugs.

She leads us into the backyard, and a few more minutes and we reach a giant platform, with speakers and a white sheat. 

She points to the platform, and says "That's a stage, in case you guys want to dance, or excersize. The sheet you can hang up for a movie, Fitz and Biana know where the projector is. And the speaker coonnects with Biana's phone and this microphone," she says, handing Fitz a black and sparkly mic, "if you guys want to karaoke. Call me if you need anything else! Bye!" She says, and leaves.

Lihn turns around and squeals. "Let's do a karaoke competition!!" She says.

Oh no.

Secretive - Kotlc Human AU - Hidden Series Book 1Where stories live. Discover now