Chapter 23

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Tam's POV


When Sophie came back, she looked shaken up.

"Um, so, Mr. Forkle gave us an, um, er- mission." She says, quietly.

We were all sitting on the sofa, and we spring up into a standing position, and simultaneasly, all yell "WHAT!"

She looked at us all coolly, but skipping over me again, and says "You heard me. Mr. Forkle says that there are neverseen members at Foxfire, and we need to find them. And, we need to be there after school as well, so some of us will have to get detention."

"What did Mr. Fokle say, exactly?" Dex asks.

Sophie's eyes widen for a split second. "Exactly what I told you." she says, shrugging.

"Are you sure the wasn't anything else?" Fitz says. "Because, if there wasn't, you'd let us hear Mr. Forkle's message." 

"No! I mean, um, Mr. Forkle said to not let anyone listen to it, because it also has some... stuff you guys can't know." Sophie says.

"It's about... that, isn't it Lil' Sis." Percy says. Sophie nods.


"You know Foster, I totally love those mysterious vibes you have, but I'm sure everyone else doesn't. I'm sure they would love for you to open up a little." He says lightly.

Sophie's eyes fill with tears. "I've just... not had any friends before. I've only had ever Percy. I just... need a bit of time to open up. I'm sorry." She says, looking away.

"It's alright, Soph." Linh - god bless her thoughtful mind - said.

Sophie smiles. "If you guys want, um, I can go home, and -" 

"No." Her voice is cut off by a familiar voice, It takes me a second to remember that it's mine.

I run a hand through my hair as she narrows her eyes and glares. "Why don't we vote. If you want me here, raise your hand."

Everybody raises their hand.

Except one person.


Secretive - Kotlc Human AU - Hidden Series Book 1Where stories live. Discover now