Chapter 29

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Sophie POV

-------(7:50, ten minutes before the gang is supposed to get here)----

I grip the bar, tighter than ever, then pull myself up.

I repeat the same chanting in my head.

Up, swing, around, over.

Up, swing, around, over.

Up, swing, around, over.

I repeat this doing flips on the bars in my room, sweat pouring down by back.

My hands burn, my throat constricting from the exercise.

I propel myself into the air, grabbing the bow and arrow hanging from the wall.

I shoot targets, trying to burn off anger.

I flip back down onto the bars, and after another flip. I set myself down.

Again! I call, and I repeat this cycle over, and over, and over again.

Sophie? I hear a voice call, then freeze midair.

No. They're not supposed to see me like this.


Tam's POV

///////////////(7:55, the gang get's there 5 minutes early)///////////

I freeze in the doorway with my friends.

It's Sophie, and she's exercising.

But she's pushing herself too far.

It's obvious, and she's getting hurt.

"Sophie!" I yell as she freezes midair.

She turns to us so I can see her entire body.

She's wearing an exercise outfit, but sweat is running through her body and her hair is plastered to her forehead. She's panting, and it's obvious she's been crying in anger.

I finally see the wound from the other night, when she'd showed it to us.

But all of that anger dissipates when she sees us, and she flies to the ground in one fine swoop, and her eyes widen.

"Oh, um, you guys are early." She says, not sure what to do.

"Happy to see us, Foster?" Keefe asks, smirking.

Her eyes run over us nervously, then she runs to the wall next to her.

After a series of taps, the room changes into a seating area, and she guestures to the seats.

"Make yourselves comfortable, and I'll be right back." She says, running into her bathroom.

I run my hands through my hair, then glance at Dex.

He seems worried, and he's biting his lip. I walk over to him.

"Dex, have you seen her like this before?" I ask, whispering.

He shakes his head. 

"Come on, Dex? Not one time? I mean, you're her cousin. There must be something." I ask, desperate. I don't even try to whisper anymore, everyone is looking at him.

"She's angry. I would suggest not bringing up whatever you saw." A voice says from behind us, and we whirl around to see Percy.

He smiles sadly.

WE sit down, and Biana glances at me. I gesture the spot next to me, and her cheeks turn slightly pink.

"Well, we all know Foster won't take too long to get ready, so..." Keefe trails off, not sure what to do as we wait.

She walks out, wearing a black shirt and black camo pants and drying her hair from an obvious shower.

"So, um, what did y'all want to talk about?" She asks, shifting her weight from leg to leg.

Fitz clears his throat as the same time as Dex. Dex scowls, muttering something about Wonderboy under his breath.

Fitz shifts uncomfortable. "So, um, we just wanted to ask, um, why you've been ignoring us?" He asks, his voice getting small by the end.

Sophie bites her lip as everyone waits. "It's okay if you don't like us. I mean-" Lihn gets cut off by Sophie gasping.

"Is that what you guys think?" She asks, her fingers covering her mouth. Everyone nods, looking away.

"No no no! You guys are great friends! You guys are awesome, with the best powers! You guys-" Sophie rambles, cut off by someone asking "Then why are you avoiding us?"

I recognize a second too late that it's my voice.

She shifts, then goes over to her bookshelf.

Everyone exchanges confused glances.

She opens a book, looking like... a scrapbook?

Out of it tumbles a paper.

She picks it up gingerly, then hands it to Lihn, then walks over to where Percy is sitting then snuggles into her brothers side.

We all read the note, and...

this is why she's been ignoring us?

I get up, and reach for my phone.

"Forkle. Get to Sophie's house. Now." I say into the receiving line.

"You kids these days. Fine. This better be important." The phone clicks off, then I start pacing.

Secretive - Kotlc Human AU - Hidden Series Book 1Where stories live. Discover now