Chapter 41

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A/N - Above is the way Sophie is sitting when the chapter starts, it makes more sense if u know :)

But she's against the tree... so yeah.


Sophie's POV


After a long silence, something brushes against my hand, holding my fingers.

I look up through my lashes, and let Tam pull my hand toward him.

He looks into my eyes, and without breaking eye contact, he pulls my hand toward his face.

Staring into the depths of my eyes, he kisses the silver ring on my middle finger.

He slowly turns my hand over and kisses each of my fingertips.

Tugging on my hand,he pulls me up to where he is standing.

My black heels give me and inch and I reach his eyes, but I still have to look up to look into his eyes.

He pulls me closer and rests our foreheads together. 

In a husky whisper, he says,"I don't know what I'm feeling right now. I just know that I don't want you ignoring me. Regardless of Biana, Sophie, I still want to be friends with you."I internally flinch at the word 'friend'

I move a bit back and look into his eyes.

I nod, and give him a soft smile I hope looks genuine.

After a second, I gesture to his boots and I fly upwards myself,  looking down at the flowing hills of my so called 'backyard'.

I fly back to the house, and sense Tam following.

I run into where the girls are sleeping, and shake each of them awake.

"Get ready, you guys need to pack! We're leaving TOMORROW!" I wince slightly at my voice, but it seems to be getting better.

"Mhmmmm... 5 more mmmminutes..." Biana mumbles as she covers herself with her covers.

I smirk, knowing what to do. "Well then, we'll have to go shopping for the trip without you!" I say, and walk out of the room.

Less then 5 minute later, she's all showered and ready to go.

She looks me up and down, and says "No, you are NOT wearing that." She drags me with her into my closet.


She throws an outift out at me, and I catch it with ease.

I walk outside with Biana, and she smiles at what everyone's wearing

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I walk outside with Biana, and she smiles at what everyone's wearing.



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