Chapter 28

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(Srsly, I've rewritten this chapter so many times it's making my head spin lol)

Sophie's POV


I slam my locker shut. It swings back open, mocking me.

I kick it, angry as ever.

Its a stupid locker, Sophie. Why you mad? I ask myslef, knowing the answer.

I was avoiding all of them. Well, most of them.

My friends.

It's hard to avoid the other 2 guys living in my house, but I survive.

I put them in danger because of myself, and the guilt started to set in.

Their meeting with the Moonlark got cancelled because I left right after my performance.

My excuse was that I wasn't feeling well, and I gave them my number on my second phone.

All the girls texted me, and I had replied.

Nothing else.

"Sophie, you need to stop." I whirl around, glaring.

It's Biana, Tam, Keefe, Fitz, Dex, and Lihn.

I roll my eyes when I see them. I turn around, ready to walk away. "Leave me alone, guys." I say, slamming my locker as it finally shuts itself.

A few steps later, somebody grabs my hand.

I whirl around, murder in my eyes.

It's Tam, his eyes soft. "Sophie, we're all sorry. Even if we don't know what we did wrong." He says, gesturing to everyone.

I shake my head. "It's not you guys. I'm keeping you guys safe." I say, pulling my hood lower then it already was.

Special trick - magnets in the front of your hood work as weights to keep it down.

"Foster, you know we won't leave you until you tell us what's wrong." Keefe says, stepping forward.

"We feel bad, Sophie. Come on." Dex says, rubbing the back of his neck.

I exchale through my teeth. "Fine. My room at 8." I say, and finally walk away.

I walk into the parking lot, and get into my Black sedan provided by the black swan.

 How am I supposed to tell them? I think, thinking back to 2 weeks ago.

I had found a note in Ella's hands. 


Dear Sophie.

We know you want to keep your friends safe, but we need you to stay away from them.

We'll stay away from them if you do.

If you don't, you'll see our handiwork close up.

-The Neverseen.


How was I supposed to tell them?

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