Chapter 16

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Hey! I edited the last sentence of the last chapter, so there is no truth or dare.



Sophie's POV

I turn to the others, and glance at the clock.

10:45 already?

"It's 10:45 pm, so we have to sleep now. I'll turn off the lights when I come around, K?" I say.

Biana groans, mumbling something about how you are not supposed to sleep when having a  sleepover.

I shrug.

Once everyone is settled, I turn off the lights.

I'm definetly not going to sleep.

I mean, I just found out that I'm a crazy genetic experiment! You think I would sleep soundly after that?

I go outside and sit on a bench in the backyard.

Well, Havenfield, my home, didn't really have a 'backyard'.

It was an animal rehabilation center, so it had fields followed by fields.

I start humming my new song, lost in thought.

It was a song about memories of a person that died, or left.

It was called Memories:

I started crying. I missed my biological parents, even if I don't remember them.

And the necklace wasn't all that they left me. They left me a dress, too. It had a tag that said 'You'll know when to wear this.' 

It was a pretty silver. It looked like it had moonlight shining down on it. It was the only dress that I owned. It was at the very back of my closet, and I made sure that nobody knew about it...

 It was at the very back of my closet, and I made sure that nobody knew about it

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As I continued to sob, I felt an arm snake around me. I don't look up, just open my mind to their thoughts. It's Tam, since his head looks shadowy. Oof that sounded so lame...

I get myself together, wipe my tears, and move away from him, remembering what Biana had said.

He looks slightly hurt, but I look away. 

"Um, uh, sorry, did I wake you?" I manage to say, hiding my face behind my hair.

I feel him shift next to me. "Well, I realised, if I had all of this dumped on me in a matter of 2 hours, I wouldn't be able to sleep either. So I got up, and found you." He looks over at me and smirks.

"And it looks like I was right. Like always. Anyway, what song were you humming?" He asks, curious.

My eyes widen, and I try to think of an excuse. I can't tell him that I came up with it.

I just look out at the sky, not bothering to hide my face anymore.

"I- it was- it doesn't matter really. It was just a random song." I manage to stutter out. He raises an eyebrow, but stays silent.

I turn to him, an idea forming in my head. 

"Hey, um, want to try flying? I won't drop you." I ask, looking away. He only knew me for a day! He won't trust me with his life.

After a few seconds, he shifts and looks me in my eyes. I look away.

He puts his hand on my chin, and leads it back. "I'd love that. But, aren't you going to get distracted up there with me with you?" He says, smirking.

I smile. "Flying comes naturally to me. That's why I'm so clumsy on the ground. Flying just feels so... natural. I feel better up there, than down here." I say. I've never told anyone that. Why was I telling him?

I get up, and I hook my arms under his'. I start to float up, slowly.

"Woah." He breathes, when we get up to a bird's eye view. 

I smile. Someone I can share this with. Then, I get an idea.

I set him back down. "Wait for a seconds, I'll be right back." I say, and run to the garage.

I look for a few minutes, then I see them.

Percy's Hover-boots.


Tam's POV


I watch Sophie run off into the darkness, and I sit down.

After a few minutes, she comes back, holding some sleek boots :

After a few minutes, she comes back, holding some sleek boots :

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Sophie's grinning. "Percy made these a few years ago. They're hover boots. They allow a person without flight powers, to fly easily. Um, if you want, you can try them." She says.

I can fly with these?!

I slip my feet into them, and Sophie presses the tip of the shoe. I Start to very slowly float upward.

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