Chapter 35

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Sophie's POV


I almost drop the phone as my heart sinks to my toes.

"What?" I ask, my voice raising.

Lihn looks over to me with a concerned look.

"You kids will be going on a road trip to.. a city. There will be stops in between, which I want you to check out. The drive is about 12 hours long total, so the driving is split between 3 days - 4 hours each day, generally at night, so you can scour during the day." He says.

By now, everyone was in this room and looking at me, concerned.

"When?" I ask, trying to keep my voice even.

"3 days from now. I expect all of you kids to be packed and ready to go by then." He says, still calm.

"What about the parents?" I ask, trying to grasp at straws from going on my first ever REAL mission.

"They've all been notified." He says.

"Um, okay then." I say, still trying to process.

"Wait." I say, things clicking into place.

"Why?" I ask.

Forkle takes a deep breath on the other end of the line.

"Around the time you were born,  an agent named Prentice, part of the Black Swan was captured by the Neverseen. They... broke his mind. His kid, named Wylie, about 20 years old now, was misinformed about what happened, and now he hates us. And he controls light; a deadly power if used correctly. We think we know where both of them are. And, you, my Moonlark, have the ability to bring Prentice back from his state of mind." He says, putting pressure on the last sentence.

The world comes crashing down.

"Me?" I ask, my voice small.

"Soph-" Fitz starts, but cuts off when I hold up a hand.

"Hold up. Last question. What city?" I ask.

"Salt Lake City, in Utah."


I drop the phone, and the floor seems to fly up to meet me.

Secretive - Kotlc Human AU - Hidden Series Book 1Where stories live. Discover now