Chapter 38

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Sorry peeps, somebody commented that Sophie had purple highlights, and then I went back and realized that was right - oops!



Sophie's POV


I stare up at the stars.

It has been an hour since I woke up, with my head feeling like a motercycle ran over it.

It was 3 AM.

I had explained to everyone what was going on, and they had started to get packed.

And fallen asleep, after the crazy day we'd had.

But I had come to my balcony, not being able to sleep.

I know I had a song recording session with Calla this morning, I had to leave in an hour, but I was already ready.

I look down at my clothes, giving myself another onceover.

I had tried to add some color to my outfit, and my wolf mask was sitting on my dresser, waiting to be worn.

I had tried to add some color to my outfit, and my wolf mask was sitting on my dresser, waiting to be worn

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After I had woken up, nobody mentioned the song.

I hadn't either.

But it still bugged me. Who had sang that song?

"Foster?" I whirl around at the sound of a voice.

"Keefe?" I ask.

He steps into the moonlight.

I look away at the concern in his eyes.

"Di-did I wake you?" I ask, hiding myself behind the curtain of my hair.

"Nah. I just... woke up. What are you doing out here, though?" He asks.

I just shake my head. "You don't need to worry about it. Do you need anything?" I ask, trying to turn the conversation toward him.

He smirks.

"Foster, you need to focus on yourself sometimes. Let yourself get pampared. I mean, if I just fainted, almost broke my mind, I would've let other people do everything for me." He plls up a chair as he says this, lounging back.

"Keefe, you should sleep. It's really early." I chide.

His smirk grows. "I'll sleep when you sleep." He tugs a strand of my hair with that.

I turn red and turn away. "Keefe, I have to go-" I get cut off with his gasp.

"Foster, you have purple highlights?" I turn to see him inspecting my hair.

Oh Sh*t. 

Secretive - Kotlc Human AU - Hidden Series Book 1Where stories live. Discover now