Chapter 36

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Tam's POV


She's a hair's width away from hitting the floor when I catch her.

I whirl around, holding her bridal style.

"Get the phone, and see who she was talking to. Put it on loudspeaker, too." I say as I walk toward Lihn's bed, setting Sophie down.

"Sophie? Sophie?" A voice coming from the phone says.

"Mr. Forkle? What's going on? Sophie... fainted!" Lihn gets out as she rushes to the bathroom to bring things that may help Sophie.

Marella props a pillow under Sophie's feet as Biana rushes to put cooling cloths on Sophie's heating forehead, and Lihn is inspecting multiple bottles of medicine.

"Ah. This was expected to happen. Though, I bet Sophie wouldn't want me to tell you what happened."

"Fork man, ya know that I respect you and everything, but I think we all need to know what was going on so we can help Foster when she wakes up." Keefe says into the phone, running a hand through his ugly hair.

"If you kids respect Miss Foster, then you will wait for her to tell you about your new mission. Miss Foster knows everything about it - ask her about it when she gets up. And, if it's bad, I'll send Elwin." With that, Mr. Forkle signs off.

"New Mission?"


I know this was short, I thought I had already published this and then saw that it hadn't published - Oops :P

Anyway, I'll try my best to get some more chapters out, but I have a big Science test coming up, so.... I'll try my best!

Love y'all :)

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