Chapter 47

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Sophie's POV


I look down slightly, not meeting anyone's gaze as I pass the freshly-made (by Yours Truly) waffles onto everyone's plate.

Nobody notices my behaivior, and I slip into my seat as everyone starts to dig into their breakfast.

"-so good!-"

"-oh my gods-"

I just pick at my waffles, not in the mood.

To be honest, before this I didn't think it was possible to not be in the mood to eat waffles.

I mean, they're waffles! So much better then pancakes...

Moving on.

As everyone finishes and get's up to put their plate in the kitchen, I quickly put the pieces of paper I had prepared into bundles of chocolate.

One for each person.


I herd everyone outside onto a picnic blanket.

I pull out my phone, sitting between Linh and Percy.

I clear my throat, and the talking dies down.

I don't meet anyone's eyes, just looking at my phone screen.

"So, in the email Forkle sent me, there's a set of instructions for this Trust thingy..." I trail off, staring in horror at the first line.

I regain composure, continueing.

"So, first he wants us to say our full name, age, and university major, along with all of our abilities. And then do something with that power." I frown.

I sigh, and point at Linh, at my right, to start.

"My name is Linh Hai Song, 19 years old, majoring in marine biology, and I'm a hydrokinetic." She moves her hand in a weird way, and a water necklace forms around her neck. She smiles, and points at Marella.

Marella rolls her eyes. "Why do we have to do this? We all know this stuff. Anyway, Yours Truly is known as Marella Adene Redek, 18 years old, studying to be a firefighter, and duh, I'm pyrokinetic." She conjurs up a small curl of fire in her hand, and it crackles.

Tam's next. He shifts. "Tam Dai Song. 19, studying music. Shade." He says curtly, pulling his emo hood lower on his head, and making the shadows around him move to make him nearly invisible.

I keep a blank face, still not meeting anoyone's eye. 

Dex goes, Fitz goes, Biana goes, Keefe goes, and so does Percy.

Which means it's my turn.

Oh gods.

"Sophie Elizabeth Foster. 18, majoring in music. Flyer, Telepath, Inflictor, Polyglot, Teleporter, and Enhancer. Don't ask." I rush through that, and take a breath and continue.

"I can't demenstrate half of those, so I'll skip over that part." 

I pull out my phone again, and open my mouth to continue but somebody says "Wait, what?"

I roll my eyes. "Flyer, Telepath, Inflictor, Polygot, Teleporter, and Enhancer. Don't ask." I say it slower this time.



Hey guys!

Sorry I disappeared! I had standarized testing... and let's say we don't utter those words anymore.

But I'm back, with this chapter!

Hoping to get next chapter out soon!

Shoutout to Candy_Bar189!

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