Chapter 13

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Sohpie's POV

I turn to see and angry Biana.

"We need to talk, Sophie." she growls. My eyes get wide, but I lead her to the guest bedroom.

I was not prepared for what happened next.

She shoves me. I hit the bedpost and my shoulder gets cut and starts to bleed.

I stare at her in shock. She's just smirking. 

Then she starts to talk. "Stay away from Tam, Sophie. For your own good." Then she turns on her heel and walks out of the room, her brown hair flouncing behind her.

I want to say something, but the pain from my shoulder is not letting me think straight. I stumble tot he bathroom and grab a roll of bandage. I clean my shoulder, then wrap it. 

Thank god I have a shirt that covers my shoulder.

I clean some of the blood that fell onto the bedpost.

I take a deep breath, then go back into my room.


Tam's POV - A few seconds before Biana comes back.


I start to worry for Sophie. Biana looked mad. Way madder then I have ever seen.

Then she comes in. No Sophie though.

I get up and go to Biana. "Hey Tam" she says.

My heart starts beating superfast. She looks so pretty...

I shake myself out of it. I narrow my eyes. "Where's Sophie?" I half growl, half ask.

She takes a step back. Here eyes go wide and look everywhere but me for a second. Then she goes back to the confdent Biana I know. 

"She's coming. She had to... go to the bathroom." I raise my eyebrows.

I roll my eyes and start to head back. Then I notice Biana's fingers. 

They are maroon with dry blood.

My eyes widen, then I pull her fingers up to inspect.

"What happened, Biana?" I ask, suspicious.

She shrugs, looking away. 

I pull the shadows of the room closer to her head. She widens her eyes.

"I... cut it right before getting here." I raise my eybrows.

I let her hand go, and then go to find Sophie.

But before I walk out to do so, she walks in. But, she's not smiling anymore.

I mean, she is, but it's a smile I wear way too often. A fake one.

I decide to ignore it. I shadow whisper to her.

She jumps when my shadow starts streching. 

Don't freak out. I'm a shade. I control shadows.

Oh. Okay. Sorry. Biana's the only one left... what's her power?


She must hate that. Whatever - Does everybody know everything?

Yeah. I told them.

Ok. That's why they're looking at me like that. Like I'm a child my mother left on the road. 

Ugh. I hate that pity look.

Ignore them. Is Forkle here?

He should be here any second. 

The doorbell rings.

There he is.

She disconnects us before I can say anything else.

Secretive - Kotlc Human AU - Hidden Series Book 1Where stories live. Discover now