Chapter 27

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Sophie's POV

"You?" I manage to say.

Ruy smiles the smile that used to melt my heart. "Hey Soph." 

I flashback to a few years ago.

Ruy, my old best friend, now boyfriend, and I are at the beach, on a date. 'Ruy is just perfect.' I had thought.

But then, he got a phone call. His face turns horrified. He says, "I'll be there." I look at him, concerned. "What happened, Ruy?" i ask. 

He looks away. "It's Jackson. He's - He's in the hospital. Car accident." I get up so fast as he finishes those words. Jackson is Ruy's older brother.

Jackson dies a little later that day, and Ruy was never the same. He became dark, and wouldn't come out of his room. He broke up with me, saying he couldn't handle a relationship right now.

I was heartbroken. A month or two later, I got news that Ruy had run away.

I wouldn't speak for over 3 months.

I growl. "It's Sophie. You don't have the privilege of calling me anything else right now. After how you hurt me. At the very least tell your best friend where you were going! Did anybody tell you what happened after you left? To your mom? To me?" I growl.

Ruy backs up a step. "Sorry, Sophie." He says, scratching the back of his neck. 

I huff, then plaster on a smile. "It's okay. I-I would've done the same thing. Friends?" I say, trying to be nice to my ex.



I hear the gate of the temporary prison open with a creak. Ruy whirls around.

He turns back to me, eyes narrow. "Did you do something." He growls.

I widen my eyes. "No! I swear!" I say.

"Then who-" He says, but gets cut off.

"It was me. You forgot the Vanisher, huh?" Biana says, smirking as Linh, Marella, Keefe, Tam, Percy, and Dex line up behind her.

In seconds, all the Neverseen goons are down, except Ruy. And me, of course.

I transmitt to the others:

I'll take care of this guy, don't worry about him.

Ruy turns back to me, betrayel shining in his eyes. "You were here to distract us, right?" He grwols, but I can hear the hurt.

There had always and always been one thing that Ruy would never say no to - me. Even when he became all dark, he couldn't resist it when I acted... well... you'll see.

I come up slowly to him, my feet a few inches from his. "Ruy." I say, softly.

He freezes, his eyes turning soft. I bring up my hands, and rest them on his chest.  "You wouldn't want me to get hurt, would you?" I say, using that voice he can't resist.

"Uh-no-um..." He says.

"If you don't," I say, tracing his collerbone with my finger, "Then do one tiny thing for me. Please?" 

"Anything, Soph." He says, reaching up to tuck a piece of hair behing my ear. I'm internally disgusted, but I lean into his hand.

"I need you too... leave the Neverseen." I say, slowly.

He snaps out of the spell, backs up, and holds out a knife. "Never!" He says, scowling.

I clasp my hands together, comning close again. "For Jackson? You know he wouldn't want you to do this." I say, hoping to hit a nerve.

He hesitates, lowering his knife.

This is my chance.

I lunge forward, and punch both handcuffed hands into his head. He crumples to the ground, moaning. A bruise started to form where I hit him.

I turn back to my real friends, who are staring at me in awe.

Tam steps forward. "You were... acting?" He asks, not believing it.

I roll my eyes. "You think I would seriously leave you guys? You seriously have problems." I say.

Biana and Linh run up to me, and Biana whispers in my ear. "Thank you."

I smile. "But, you guys know that I wasn't the one who did anything, right? It was all Biana." I say.

They all smile.

I roll my eyes playfully. "Now, who's gonna get me out of these handcuffs?" I ask, holding them out.

Secretive - Kotlc Human AU - Hidden Series Book 1Where stories live. Discover now