Waking up.

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Sophie's POV


My eyes open and the first thing I see is my ceiling.

Since when were there cheap plastic stars on it?

I try to sit up, but collapse, an ache settling through me.

I turn my head.

I see a chair next to me.

It's empty?

Who was singing?

Who brought me back?

I see a lady who looks very familiar peek in.

She gasps. "Sophie?"

Who is she?

She vanishes, running down what I presume would be a hall.

Not a minute later, I hear multiple banging footsteps coming down the hall.

7 people rush in. *Cue the collective gasp.*

The only one I recognize is Percy. "Soph?"

The rest are familiar, though.

Percy rushes to my bedside.

Is his... hair longer?

I manage to scowl at him.

"Wh-When was the la-last time you had a haircut, young man?" I stutter out, sitting up.

He breaks into a smile, and I do too.

He climbs onto the bed and crushes me in a bear-hug.

"You're back."


I push him off of me. "Enough."

He grins sheepishly. 

I raise an eyebrow, looking at the crowd at the door.

"Who are all of you?"

They glance at each other.

I look down at myself. "What the-"

I hold up hand, taking a closer look. 

My fingers are bigger, my palm bigger, and my entire body... bigger.

I look back up at everyone. 

"How long was I asleep?"

Secretive - Kotlc Human AU - Hidden Series Book 1Where stories live. Discover now