Chapter 12

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Sophie's POV

I jolt up when I feel my face get splashed with water.

Then I remeber...

As my eyes blur into focus, I see Lihn. Then I look down to my  super wet jumpsuit.

I scowl. "Now I have to change again! Seriously Lihn??" I exclaim. 

She smiles. Then, I dry super fast. I see the water from my hair and clothes get pulled into a floating ball of moisture. 

I smile. "Thanks Lihn. But, I'm still changing." I say, stubbornly.

I nod to Percy, who goes into my closet to decide what I will wear. Like I said, he is my stylist.

He comes out. I go into the bathroom to change and see what Percy has laid out for me. 


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I smile. Percy knows me so well.

I come out, "Hey Lihn. Um... I think now is the time you call... your other friends as well." I say.

They're not my friends. No way am I going to be friends with Bi-Bi-V.

She nods. I go to my mirror, and motion for Percy to do my hair. 

You see, the Moonlark has purple streaks in her hair. I have a thin layer of hair thet goes over that. But, I still can't do my hair in a way to hide it. So, I call my stylist.

He smiles, and comes over. He expertly puts my hair in 2 french braids down each my shoulders.

I thank him just as Lihn comes over. "They'll be here in 10 minutes." She says. 

I smile. I get out my bow and arrow, and set up a target. I've been self teaching myself archery.

When I get angry or sad, I train. The emotion fuels me. I get my bow, and I score 3 bull-eyes.

"You're not holding the bow right." I turn at the sound of Tam's voice as he comes up to me.

"I'm self taught." I shrug.

His eyebrows go up. "You're awfully good for self taught." I shrug again.

He holds my hands, and moves them into what must be the right position. Then, he helps me shoot a few. I have to use all of my self control to not turn red as a tamato.

Then Edaline comes into my room. Tam let's my hands go and tells me how much I've improved. I thank him, and then turn to my mom.

She smiles, then says "Dex, people who call themself Biana, Keefe, Fitz, and Marella are here. Should I send them up?"

"Sure I guess. Can you also send up another tray of Mallowmelt?" I ask with puppy eyes nobody can resist. She rolls her eys, but says "Sure."

I brace for the wrath of Biana.


Tam's POV


I see the way Sophie slightly flinches at Biana's name. What's up with her?

Lihn smiles in a knowing way when she notices as well. Huh?

Biana, Dex, Keefe, Fitz, and Marella all come into the room. Dex puts down the tray of mallowmelt.


Sophie's POV

I look at the tray of mallowmelt. Ah-ha!

I scowl "DEXTER ALVIN DIZNEE!! YOU ATE A PIECE OF MALLOWMELT WITHOUT ME!!" I yell, snatching a piece of mallowmelt. So do Lihn and Tam.

I laugh. Then I turn to the others who are staring at us like we're crazy. 

"Try one. You'll understand." As they reach for apiece, I remember.

 "WAIT! Lemme get my phone so I can record this." 

Marella, Fitz, Keefe, and Biana right after taking a super small bite : OMG! *stuffs the entire thing in their mouth and reaches for another one*

I slap all their hands away and give the last piece to Percy since he didn't get one. He smiles gratefully.

Keefe gives me puppy eyes. "Awww Fooooooooster! We want mooooore!"

I smirk. "Nope. Not happening Keefe."

I motion for them to sit. Then I remeber a criticall detail - I need to call Mr. Forkle.

I ring his number, and -surprisingly- he picks up on the first ring. 

"Hey Mr. Forkle. Um... Do you mind coming over?"

"When." he replies.

"Umm... right now?"

I hear some mumbling about 'kids these days', then a quick "sure," then a "see you."

I shrug. "Bye."

I turn to Tam and Lihn. "Forkle said hes coming. He hasn't visited me in a year, but he has my address." I say.

They nod. Tam goes back to his corner, and Lihn starts to talk to Fitz.

With nothing to do, I start to pair up all of the people in front of me. Romantically of course.

Flihn - Fitz x Lihn

Dexarella - Dex x Marella

Tiana - Tam x Biana.

My heart throbs with the last one. No clue why. They are so perfect for each other.

I tap Lihn on the should. I whisper "Can I have my necklace back?" She smiles and hands it back to me.

I clasp it aroung my neck, then hide the charms under my shirt.

After a few minutes, I reach out to Tam - still in his corner - with my mind.

Hey Tam. He almost jumps out of his seat.

Don't freak out. Yes, I'm a telapath. Don't focus on that detail. Why don't you and Lihn get everyone up to speed, so they understand what we're talking about when Forkle comes. Just... please don tell anybody that I'm a telepath. Please.

He nods slightly. I turn around. 

And I see an angry Biana. 

Secretive - Kotlc Human AU - Hidden Series Book 1Where stories live. Discover now