I don't know if I want to.

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Sophie's POV


"What about my singing?"

Percy looks away, guilt clouding his features.

"We had to do something. We-" He trails off, looking extremely guilty.

I start to get worried.

"We staged an accident for the news. With your face blurred out, we made it seem as if you were dead after a car accident."

My throat dries up.

You can't go back after that.


It's been 3 years.

I'm now 22. (A/N it's been a while since I wrote the beginning so I don't remember how old she is but bear with me.)

My body aged in every way but mentally. I still feel like I'm 19. 

It feels like I slept for an hour, two at most.

I stare out the window in my bedroom, holding my mic in my hand. A plate of mallowmelt lays untouched on the windowsill.

Tears slowly roll down my face as I realize that I can't go back.

Everyone has moved on, everyone has lives without me. So many things happened while I was gone.

Percy and Dex have become business partners - they've both became big shot AI enthusiasts and have invented and patented many advanced inventions together. They both also work at NASA and are now co-leading a project which has a goal to make Mars habitable. Dex is dating Marella, who started her own makeup brand - Darella's Love.

Percy and Keefe are fiancées (Percy came out as gay almost a year after I left, and Keefe as pan only 1 month after that) and adopted an infant who's now their one year old daughter. Her name is Sophia, apparently named after me. When I was introduced almost two hours ago, she stared at me through her lashes and kid behind Keefe's leg. A couple tears and a heartfelt joke later, her green eyes were shining as I hugged her.

Fitz is dating Linh. He's a bigshot lawyer and she's a therapist - sometimes working together on domestic violence cases.

Biana is a top class fashion designer, so famous that she's practically a celebrity. And of course, she has Tam. They're a famous celebrity couple - Tam is an actor and is one of the youngest to ever win an Oscar. I looked through their instagram and I don't know how to feel.

They're so happy.

And something broke when I saw that picture. They were at a lake, with the sun shining behind them. Even they're silhouettes looked in love.

Which just proves my point.

There is nothing to go back to. The Moonlark doesn't exist anymore. The singer's fans have moved on.

All of them have.

Tam, Biana, Fitz, Marella, Lihn, Dex, all of them.

I'm not a part of their lives anymore. They learned how to be happy without me. And all the awkwardness it took to tell me everything that had happened as they all graduated college told me the truth. 

They don't know how to take me back.

And I don't know if I want to.

Secretive - Kotlc Human AU - Hidden Series Book 1Where stories live. Discover now