Chapter 15

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Sorry guys! I edited this so there is no  truth or dare... sry :)

Sophie's POV

"Who's the team captain right now?" I ask, not wanting to take somebody's position from them.

Forkle smiles. "Nobody. You'll bring these supers together." He says, gesturing to the others.

I reach my mind out to him. 

One Question, Forkle Man. Do you know when I'll be  - what you call - manifesting, a new power?

I'm not supposed to tell you...


Nope. You'll find out soon enough. But, now we have to tell Grady and Edaline about everything.

Fiiiine. But, can Percy be part of the team as well? I need someone to ground me to reality.

As you wish, My moonlark.

He cuts our connection before I can say anything else. My mind is spinning. 

Will my parents leave me when they find out I'm a freak? Or will they hand me over?

"Yo, Foster!" Keefe calls.

Keefe comes up to me. I smile and turn to him.

"Can we talk somewhere nobody else will hear us?" He asks, whispering. I raise an eyebrow, then shrug.

"Sure. Let's go to the guest bedroom." I say, leading him to the room I leaded Biana into.

After we are inside, Keefe turns to me. "What did Biana do?" He asks, angrily.

I try not to flinch while asking "What do you mean, Keefe?" 

He rolls his eyes. "I can feel emotions, Foster. I literally felt how angry Biana was when you guys went to talk. And I know how repulsive she can be. So, tell me, what did Biana do to you?" he says.

"Nothing, Keefe." I say, shaking my head. Keefe grabs my hand. I freeze. "Come on, Foster. You can tell me anything. And you can't lie to an empath." he say, pleading.

I shake my head again. "She didn't do anything Keefe." I say.

We go back and forth for about 10 minutes. I mentally give up.

"Fine Keefe, BUT, you have to promise to treat Biana the same way, no matter what I tell you. And, you can't give any hint that you know, alright?" I say, exhausted.

He nods, and gives me a mock swear symbol. I roll my eyes, and then tell him. Everything. How she shoved me, and even showed him the wound. His eyes get so angry, even I get scared.

"Please, Keefe. You can't tell anyone. Please." I ask, desperately. He nods, solemn.

I lead him back to my room, praying nothing crazy happened while I was gone.


I walk in, and there is lots and lots  of that I assumed what super gear. Fitz and Dex have flushed faces. Fitz looked relieved when I came in. 

"Um, Sophie, where do we put this stuff?" He asks, out of breath. I smirk. "Just put it down on the middle of the floor, then come here. All of you." I say, nodding to the others as well.

Dex and Fitz just shrug and put the stuff down. 

I turn to the switches that change my room looks. Then, I change it to a room that 've been waiting to use. I type it in. 

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