Long Time No See.

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Sophie's POV

"And a one, two, three, four-and-five-and-six, seven, eight. Turn, stop! Head shake, hairflip-sidestep, and one, two, three four-and-five, six, seven, eight!" I shout out as the group dances to the music.

I smile as they start shouting out the counts themselves, a blur of perfectly rythmic matching black cargo pants.

The music fades out as the group lands in their ending pose.

I throw my hands up, immensly proud. "Yes! Let's go y'all!" High fives make their ways around.

"That was gorgoeus! Take a breather before we do one last run-through. We'll show them what Moon Studio is all about on Saturday!" I say, as I sit down.

They all grin, panting heavily as they go to get a drink from their waterbottles. 

Marina, the lead dancer, walks up to me, her short purple hair sticking every-which-way as she runs her fingers through it. "Hey Coach?"

"Yeah?" I ask.

"I'm getting picked up by my girldfriend's cousin later - the one that's going to chaperone. Could I get the form?"

I put my hands on my hips (A/N LMFAO I ALMOST WROTE HIPS ON MY HANDS) as I put on a fake scary face. "Girlfriend? When did you get old enough for a relationship?" 

She laughs as we walk to Diamond, our secretary, on the other side of the studio. She hands me a clipboard and the Alternate Pickup form that has to be filled out for students to leave without their parents signing them out.


I wince suddenly, my lowered guard meaning that Marina's thoughts barging into my head. 

"Here, fill this out and have them sign it when they pick you up, then make sure to give it to me before you leave," I say. She thanks me and joins the others.

I lean on the desk, glancing at the clock. I look around, feeling happier and happier as I take in every inch for the millionth time. I've worked so hard to create my own dance studio, and I've never been more content. 

Not never...

I shake my head to clear my thoughts, and I walk back into the main dance room.

"Let's go again!"


"Alright everyone! That's a wrap! Great job tonight! Remember, we meet here at 6am on Saturday!" I call out, "Marina! Ben! Remember to remind your chaperones as well! Soloists, don't forget to practice! And I'll see the rest of you on Saturday!" I high five everyone as they exit, excitement thrumming through my body as I think about how far we've come.

My smile is unshakeable as I lean against Diamond's desk in the waiting room, tilting up my waterbottle to take a drink. 

"Fun day, huh?" Diamond get's up from her seat as she comes around to me, highfiving me and wishing me luck for saturday as she gathers her things and leaves.

After the last kid closes the door behind them, I stand up and grab my bag off the floor.

I lock the door to the studio, turning around as throw up my keys and catch them.


I bump right into someone and fall on my butt.

"What in the world?" I say as I pick up my keys and try to dust myself off. I try to look up at the person that bumped into me, but they have a black baseball cap and a mask on. (A/N ik there probably isn't covid-19 in the kotlc world but it just fit in the aesthetic)

They hold out a hand and I stare at it for a second then help myself up without it, swinging my tote bag over my shoulder.

"My bad! I wasn't loo-" I freeze. 

Something about this person is... odd.

I squint into their face, but they just turn it to the side. "Do I know you?" I say, confused.

They clear their throat and look down before handing me a clipboard. I look down and see the Alternate Pickup Form, and I'm totally lost and trying to read it as a voice calls out.

"Come on, Tam!" Was that Marina?

And as realization surges through me, as I drop the clipboard and look up, he's still standing there.

"Tam?" I say, my voice suddenly hoarse.

He pulls down his mask and gives me a half smile, his pale blue eyes shining. 

"Long time no see."

Secretive - Kotlc Human AU - Hidden Series Book 1Where stories live. Discover now