Chapter 34

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I walk into my closet, and try to find something... suitable.

For Biana.

AS in Biana Vacker, queen of sparkles.

It's like looking for an alicorn in a sea of horses.

Black, white, gray, tan, black, white, gray, black, white, gray, black, white...

Finally, I decide on an outfit that won't look too bad for her.

Finally, I decide on an outfit that won't look too bad for her

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"Oooooh! Cute!" Biana squeals when I hand her the clothes. 

I roll my eyes. "It took me forever to find them. They were in the very BACK of my closet."

She flashes me a smile. "Thanks anyway." She says, giving my shoulder a squeeze before disappearing into my bathroom.

I smile faintly.

"I'm gonna go see Lihn and Marella, 'kay?" I call through the closed door.

"Cool! I'm coming in a sec." 


I walk into the dorms, after knocking once on the door.

I walk over to Lihn and Marella, sitting on Lihn's bed.

Right when Lihn opens her mouth to talk, I get a call.

I mouth sorry as I walk to the side of the room and look at the caller ID.


I answer, confused.

"Yeah? Why'd you call, you could have just transmitted to me, ya know." I say, confused.

"I have a new mission for you kids."

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