Chapter 22

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Tam's POV


We hear a screm from the girls' room.

Percy runs into there, and I follow right behind.

Sophie is in the corner, and I think it was Marella who screamed. Now she's yelling at Sophie.

"Why won't you tell us, Sophie! And it's recent!" She's yelling.

"It doesn't matter, Marella. Please, let it go." Sophie says.

"I won't. It wasn't there when you were at the Vacker's yesterday, and it's here now. WHAT. HAPPENED." Marella asks.

"What-What are you guys talking about?" Percy says.

Marella spins Sophie around, and shows us a bloody bandage on her shoulder.

Percy gasps, and rushes up to Sophie, while I'm just frozen.

Percy sits with her on Biana's bed.

"Can - Can you guys leave? I need to talk to Sophie." Percy says to us. 

I shake my head, coming out of my frozen state. "We can't leave. This is important. Sophie, what happened?" I say.

"It's alright, Percy. I can handle this. She-she told me. I've got this." Keefe says as he sits on Biana's bed and hugs Sophie.

She shakes her head. "I'm good. It isn't deep anyway. I'm fine." She says, and get's up.

I make her sit back down. "Sophie, please?" I ask.

She rolls her eyes and glares. "I told you. I. Am. Fine." She get's up, and walks into the bathroom. She comes back out.

"So, what outfit did you want me to wear, Biana?" She says.

Biana smiles. "I put it on the rack in the bathroom. It's simple." She says.

Sophie's face changes to horror. "No way am I wearing that, Bi." Sophie says.

"Fiiiiine. ..." Biana keeps talking, but I tone her out.

How can they be talking about this stuff, when Sophie is obviously severely hurt? I think.

Sophie comes out of the bathroom, and I notice that she changed...

Sophie comes out of the bathroom, and I notice that she changed

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Her shoulder is hidden, and she's looking at Percy.

He gives her a nod.

She smiles, obviously finishing her telepathic conversation with him.

Alden - the Vacker dad - walks in, and intorduces himself as part of the Black Swan.

He turns to Sophie. "So, you are the one and only Sophie Foster, right?" He says in that deep voice of his.

Sophie smiles, and nods. "This is for you, the team leader, from Mr. Fokle. Press the button, and you will understand. And, did you... tell them yet?" He says, gesturing to us, after giving her an earbud.

Sophie shakes her head, and hides her face behind her hair. We look at each other, confused.

Alden shrugs. He winks at Sophie. "Be brave, MG." He says to her, and leaves the room.

Sophie smiles. A real one.

"What does MG stand for, Foster?" Keefe asks.

"Mystery Girl." Sophie says as she turns back to us.

"I'll, um be back after listening to this." She says, and runs out of the house.


Sophie's POV

I go outside, and sit on my motorcycle. I press the button, and put the earbud in.

Mr. Forkle's voice fills my head.

Hello, Sophie.

The time coming will be challenging, but I am sure you and your friends will make it through. 

You and your team are all wonderfully talented in their own way.

This is yours, and their, first assignment.

You are all  students at Foxfire High, and there are neverseen members posing as students and teachers, to keep an eye on the Moonlark. There is also a Neverseen headquarters near there.

You will be trying to find and identify them.

We will need spies there all the time, even after school, so some of you will need to get detention. I have a feeling Keefe will cover that area.

This might sound easy, but it isn't.

You need to make sure that the students around you stay safe.

Remeber, they have nothing to do with this.

This starts tomorrow.

Be brave, my Moonlark.

Secretive - Kotlc Human AU - Hidden Series Book 1Where stories live. Discover now