Chapter 10

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Tam's POV


I watch Sophie disappear into the sky with Percy. I feel a pang of sadness. That's how I had reacted when I met Biana and the others, and found out. I was just less confident then Sophie.

I looked down at Lihn, then realised she had gotten up. I get up.

"You okay?" I ask her softly. She turns to me with tears in her eyes. 

"I.. I remeber when I found out that all of my friends at powers. I had felt like I belonged. But... that was after I got to know them. Sophie met us all except Dex today... she probably thinks we hate her!" She says. I give her a sad smile, then hug her. She starts to sob. I turn to Biana. 

"We'll... go check on Sophie. She probably will need people who understand." She looks at me. Gosh she's pretty. TAM! NOT THE TIME! I see a hint of something in her eyes. Is that... jealousy? It disappears before I can tell. She nods, then turns to Fitz, keefe, and Dex and starts to talk to them. 

I turn to leave, then realise I have now idea where Sophie lives. Percy gave me his number earlier...

I take out my phone - silver, of course.

I text Percy with the number he gave me :

Hey Percy

What do you want

That's a great way to say hello

Whatevs. And asnwer my question.

Can u give me Sophie's address, I was thinking me and Lihn can come to explain everything.

Imagine me rolling my eyes. 
Here it is


Woah! Tam showed gratitude!

 I roll my eyes. I put Sophie's address in google maps, then I nod to Lihn.

She get's onto my Motercycle with me. Black, of course.

I see that look again in Biana's eyes when I leave.

But, again, it goes away when she sees me looking at her. She waves.

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