Chapter 43

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Sophie's POV (I know im doing her POV a bit much, but i feel more comfortable doing hers so yea... comment if you want a specific person's POV :)  )


I sigh as I stare at my boring, normal body in the mirror.

I didn't look as pretty as Biana, as cute as Lihn, or convey confidence like Marella.

I was plain, boring old Sophie.

Boring old brown eyes.

Boring old blonde hair, limp on my head.

Boring old pale lips, slightly chapped.

I sigh again as I start to unpin my hair, and when it's done, I fly upward.

I shake my head out, shaking out some of the pieces of glitter Biana had - sneakingly, gah! - put into my hair.

I go over to the window, and my head starts to throb.

I was close to our neighbor's house, so my head had started to hurt with the strain of normal brain's thoughts.

As the sun dips lower into the sky, I change into comfy combo - oversized t-shirt with shortie shorts.

I walk outside, and it looks like the sky has been painted with pink and orange.

I walk, aware of the neighbors who would probably notice if I started to float off the ground.

I run a hand through my hair, and treak to the spot where Tam and I talked.

I plop down, as graceful as a sneezing goose.

I pull out my phone, and almost drop it when I read the screen.


I run into the house, out of breath.

I look through the window of the Dorm rooms, and everyone is sitting there, and a flash of hurt goes through me when I realize even Percy is there - everyone but me.

But I shove it to the side when I see Dex.

"Dex!" I shout, bursting into the room.

"Soph?" Percy & Keefe ask as I run toward Dex.

I lower my voice, but I'm sure everyone can still hear it. "Can the Neverseen track where I am through my phone?" 

His periwinkle eyes widen as I see the gears in his head whirring.

"No, they can't until you reply to a text or answer their call." He says, eyebrows scrunching together.

I fall back onto Lihn's bed as I hold my head in my hands, taking a deep breath.

I plaster a smile on my face and stand up.

"Well then, we don't have a problem." I don't look at anyone, staring over their heads.

I realize what the situation was before I came in, and my cheeks turning red.

I flick my eyes to the floor as I say, trying to keep my voice steady. "Well then, I should leave you guys to whatever you were doing. Sorry for interupting, I just... nevermind." I mumble at the end.

I run a hand through my hair, and give a smile that I hope doesn't look forced.

"So-" somebody starts, but I don't look at them.

I cut them off, leaving.

As soon as I'm out, I break into a run out of the house.

I stare at my screen as I reach the tree again.

We're watching you.

I hear footsteps come up behind me, and I whirl around and judoflip them, not even caring to look at who it is.

"Whoa, Sophie." I look down to see Dex, struggling to breathe.

"Oh, sorry! I thought it was... I dunno." I say, laughing nervously.

He just laughs, and soon, we're both on the ground laughing.

He wipes small tears and holds out a box to me.

It's tiny, and it looks suspicously like a box for an engagement ring.

"Ummmmm... Dex?" I say, taking a step back.

His eyes go wide, "Oh, no! It's not a... ring ring. It's a communication device. There's earings and a ring that you wear to contact us."

I breathe out a sigh of relief and take the cute, black box.

I open it to find a cute metal ring with different color stones on them.

I quickly figure out what each different color means - 

Teal, for Fitz.

Dark blue for Lihn.

Periwinkle for Dex.

Pink for Biana.

Orange for Marella.

Ice blue for Keefe.

Sea green for Percy.

Black for Tam.

The earings are simble, black loops.

"So, I'm guessing for each person I press the color that corresponds with them?" I ask.

He just nods, showing me his.

His is a much more simple ring, obviously for guys.

I force a smile, taking the box and stuffing it in my pocket. "Thanks."

Something shifts in his eyes and he reaches a hand out. "Sophie..."

"It's getting late. You should sleep, We have that trust thingy tomorrow." I look away as I speak.

His hand brushes a strand of my hair back, and tears prick my eyes, but I blink them back.

"Sophie, it's me. Dex, your cousin." He softly says.

I look to him in confusion.

"You can tell me anything. A judge free zone when you're with me." His eyes fill with concern as he moves his hand from my face to hold my hand.

This time I almost let the tears flow.


He sighs, and pulls his hand back and stuffs it in his pockets.

Something grips my heart as I see him there, so sad and turning away. 

"Dex?" I ask, my voice hoarse.

I look up at the few stars starting to glow.


I take a deep breath.

"Thank you, Dex. For being there, every time. Even if I don't look or talk to you, you're the most constant person I know. You've been there, through everything with me."

Then, regaining composure as he looks at me in shock, I slip back into my mask.

I smirk.

"Oh, and you and Marella are cute together." I smirk wider when his eyes widen and his jaw hits the ground.

"How-how did you-don't tell anyone!" He pleads.

I laugh, really laugh, at his face.

"Your face right there! Priceless!" I bend over, laughing hard.

He grumbles something under his breath. 

I punch his shoulder as I start walking back.

Secretive - Kotlc Human AU - Hidden Series Book 1Where stories live. Discover now