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*Chaperones Group Chat*

Sophie: Hello! This is going to be the official groupchat for this saturday's trip to the Rising Star dance comp. This is Sophie, and I'm the dance instructer at Moon Studios. Could everyone please introduce themselves?

Sylvia : I'm Ben's mom, Sylvia.

Diamond: This is Sophie's secretary, Diamond.

Tam: I'm Tam, Marina's chaperone.

Avinesh: This is Avi.

Sophie: Thanks everyone. Just a reminder - chaperones need to come to the studio by 5:30 so we'll be ready to board everyone onto the buses when they come at 6. Avi and I will be bringing breakfast for the dancers and chaperones, so make sure to come on time!!

Sylvia: Do we need to bring any food for the ride?

Sophie: Avi and I will be bringing breakfast for the dancers and chaperones, and we'll have snacks for the drive back as well, so you all won't have to worry :)

Sophie: On that note - could all of you send me your preferred coffee order?


I hook my fingers through the strap of my bag, swinging it over my shoulder and onto the chair in the lobby. I pull out a couple boxes of bagels, cookies, and other breakfast items for the dancers.

The entrance door jingles, and I turn to see Avi, bringing in a Starbucks bag with the coffee.

He sets it down in front of me, turning to me with a smile. I turn to him and fall into his arms, mumbling a "hey."

He pulls back a bit, brushing back my hair to see my face. Concern lines his eyes, and he holds my jaw. "Are you okay? Tired?"

I just nod my head and put my head back down on his chest, closing my eyes and breathing in his beach-like scent. 

I take a couple of deep breaths, and just as I step away, a motorcycle pulls into the parking lot. I glance at the clock. 5:29.

I put my hair into a bun and start setting up the food for the kids as Marina pushes open the door.

"Hey Coach! Hey Mr. Avi!" She runs up to me and gives me a side-hug, fist bumping Avi while she does so. 

"Hey Marina. You up for some bagels?"

As I open the cream cheese for her, the door jingles again and I glance up to see some dark cargo pants, a tight t-shirt, and a dark baggy leather jacket. Tam strolls in, taking off his leather gloves and stuffing them in his pockets. 

I walk over, and give him a smile when he looks at me. 

"Hey," He mumbles, glancing at my neck. I look down, confused; I've layered a couple gold necklaces, and the one Avi gave me sits on top. I haven't worn my  moonlark necklace in years.

I hand him his black coffee, and step close enough so I can talk to him without anybody hearing. 

"What did Biana say?" I ask, crossing my arms. 

He raises his eyebrow. "What do you mean?"

"You didn't tell her?"

"About you?"

"Yeah? Didn't you tell her you met me?"

"Oh... no, I didn't." He looks at me weird.

I mirror his look back. "I want to say I'm relieved, but I didn't say you couldn't tell anyone. Isn't it weird you didn't tell Biana that you met me?" I'm slightly disappointed. As much as we had differences, I was still friends with Biana.

"I don't tell her everything about my life. It's my life, not hers." He hesitates before talking more.

"Besides, I haven't talked to her since I saw you anyways." He shakes his head when I give him a confused look, then walks over to sit by Marina.

I walk back to Avi, leaning on him.

I look over at Tam, who glances over at me. He looks away quickly, continuing to talk to Marina.

I pull out my phone, and unblock a number.


Can we talk?



I realize not a lot makes sense right now but PLEASE GIVE IT TIME IT WILL GET BETTER <3

see you all next week!!

Secretive - Kotlc Human AU - Hidden Series Book 1Where stories live. Discover now