Chapter 18

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Tam's POV


I woke up to muffled giggling.

I sit up, rubbing my eyes. Marella, Biana, Linh, and Sophie are sitting on Linh's bed, giggling, but covering their mouths to try to not wake me up.

I groan and flop back down on the bed.

All of a sudden, I see light behind my eyelids. Oof. Too bright.

I open my eyes to see Biana standing over me, with her mouth in a smirk.

"Rise and shine, Tammy boy!" she says.

I groan again. "Don't call me that, princess sparkles." I mumble.

"I'll stop if you stop!" She calls.

"Npe. Not happening." I mutter to myself.

I get up. After a shower, I get dressed.

 After a shower, I get dressed

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I smirk at the mirror. 

I walk downstairs, and everybody is already there.

Sophie is talking to Keefe.

Biana pats the seat next to her. I shrug and sit down. 

I put in my earbuds, and turn on rock music.

Edaline sets down a plate of pancakes in the middle of the table.

So. Many. Pancakes.

I take a few, and then, a few minutes later, somebody is snapping their fingers in front of my face.

I turn off my music, and look up, confused. 

It was Biana. "Listen to Sophie! She has something to tell us." She whisper-shouts.

I look to Sophie. Percy gives her an encouraging smile.

She takes a deep breath.

"Um, so, since you guys are like, the only friends I have, I, um, got you guys a sort-of gift." She holds out 6 pieces of paper, and hands them out. One for each of us.

"they're, um, tickets to the Moonlark's performance in 3 days. She, um, is singing some of her new songs in downtown San Diego." Sophie says, her face flushing.

"I've been meaning to get tickets since the announcement this morning! But they were sold out if about two hours. How did you get some, Foster?" Keefe asks, squealing like a toddler.

Sophie flushes. "My uncle got them for me, saying I could bring friends. But, I, um, can't go, so I just gave em to you guys. If any of you can't go, it's alright."

Linh is smiling so widely. "We'll go! Eek! Can we meet the Moonlark as well?" She squeals.

Sophie smiles. "I can pull a few strings. My, uncle's wife's friends's son is her manager. I'm pretty sure I can get you guys and the Moonlark too meet." She says, looking at all of us in turn, but skipping over me, like I don't exist.


I try to meet her eye. Again, I ask myself,

What did I do?


Sophie's POV

Everyone looks excited. Even Biana.

I feel happy. "Lemme call my uncle to see if he can get the Moonlark to meet you guys."I turn around, and go into my room and lock the door.

I slump on my bed.

I turn to my stuffed elephant, Ella.

There's a piece of paper sticking out of her hawaiin shirt.

What's that?

I open it up, and then freeze at what it says. 

And how it is signed.

An eye.

Secretive - Kotlc Human AU - Hidden Series Book 1Where stories live. Discover now