Chapter 39

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This chapter will have some SoKeefe fluff, but PLS BEAR WITH ME!


This chapter has some angst, but what's a story with Tam's POV without angsty-teen feelings?

Also, BIG BIG BIG news - I am editing the characters' ages.

Because, I mean this story doesn't really make sense if they're 14 & 15.

So, they have already graduated Highschool and are in COLLEGE, most of them 18 or 19.

ANyway, if you want to skip SoKeefe FLUFF, just skip to Tam's POV.

You shall be met by angst.



Sophie's POV


I whip my hair away from him.

"Oh, uh, yeah. I got those a long time ago." I say, looking back out the balcony.

"Foster?" Keefe says, softly.

I turn to look at him.

"Sometimes, I-" he cuts himself off with a shake of his head.

I don't dare to move.

"Sometimes, I think you don't trust us." Keefe studies me, and something in his eyes shift.

"My mom works for the NeverSeen," he says, and hangs his head.

I don't even breathe, staring at him.

"And my dad's name is Cassius. Cassius Sencen." He says, looking up slightly to see my face.

Oh. Oh.

Cassius Sencen was a famous, filthy rich lawyer who had renounced his son.

It was all over the news when it happened.

"Keefe, I-" He cuts me off, saying "I don't need whatever emotion you're hurling at me, Foster. I just thought, you should know."

He gets up, hands in his pockets, and turns around to go inside.

Suddenly, I reach out and grab his arm.

"Keefe?" I say.

He turns around to see me standing up and clasping his arm.

I take a step closer, and I reach up to cup his face with my right hand, not letting go of his arm with my left.

I lean closer, on my tip-toe's.

"Keefe, our family doesn't decide who we are. We decide who we are." I inch closer with every word, and our faces are now close enough to breathe the same air as him.

I let go of his arm, and I move my arm to snake up his arm to finally tangle in his hair.

"Sophie," Keefe breathes.

He looks for something in my eyes.

He must've found it, because he moves his arms to rest against my waist, pulling me even closer.

Not standing it anymore, I brush my lips against his.

I pull back slightly, and this time, he closes the distance between us.

Ou lips move in sync. 

Slow, sweet, steady.

He was here for me, and I was here for him.

He tentatively  touches my lower lip with my tongue, and I open my mouth to let him in.

In that moment, I forget everything else.

It's the trust, the knowing that we will both be there for each other, that trust, that sent me over the edge.


Tam's POV


I can't breathe.

Coming out for a walk in the backyard seemed like a good idea at first.

But I regret it as I stand in the shadows of the fountain outside, looking up at the balcony.

I just watch the way Sophie's hands rested on Keefe's neck and the way she rubbed her thumb along his jaw and the way his tongue seemed to disappear inside her mouth as if he needed a part of her to breathe himself.

I can't breathe.

It's still a mess, what I feel about Biana.

What I felt about Sophie.

But whatever was going on inside, I knew my heart cracked with every time Sophie tugged Keefe closer,every time Keefe's toungue re-entered Sophie's mouth.

Every time Sophie carressed his jaw with her thumb.

I can't breathe.

I don't think I ever will again.


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