Chapter 5

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on to the story...


I walked into the library. And, like the entire school, it was gigantic and modern :

I looked around, and just started browsing, since I had 15 min of time before I had to leave for my next class

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I looked around, and just started browsing, since I had 15 min of time before I had to leave for my next class. When I reached to the section labeled 'S'. I spotted an interesting book named Shadows. When I reached for it though, another hand appeared. Paler then mine, with a black sleeve. I looked up, surprised since I usually notice when people are about. It gives me headaches, because of their thoughts. Then I remembered my telapethy was off. I'll probably turn it on later, since this person probably won't like it when I read their thoughts. Then I recognize the person under the hood. Tam. My insides flutter, but I back up, letting heim have the book. He says in a quiet voice (we're in a library, remember?) "Sorrry. You can have that book." He says, holding it out. 

I flush, then shake my head. "It's fine. I'll find another one." He shrugs, then takes the book away, handing me another one. It was another copy of it! I smile and taske from his hand.

After quickly thanking Tam, I leave the library. I start walking to my next class, feeling slightly giddy.


The school intercom crackles to life

"Miss Sophie Foster, please come to the office. Sophie Foster, please come to the office."

Mrs. Galvin nods at me, probably happy I can leave without explaoing something else. I had been here ofr 10 minutes and I had already burned off part of the table.

As I enter the office, I see Tam, standing with Biana. I narrow my eyes at her, then turn to the secretary. She smiles, then says "Hi Sophie! These two young people are the tour guides I mentioned earlier! Your tour starts in about 5 minutes.". Tam rolled his eyes at the words tour guides and Biana smiles at the words 5 minutes. I just nod at the secretary, and turn to Tam and Biana. She says "Hey Sophie! Let's go out of this office and talk for a few minuted before starting the tour!". Tam just rolls his yes while I shrug. She leades us out. We sit down on some comfy chaires right outside the office, and I take that moment to study Biana. And by study her, I mean study her thoughts. As I opened my mind to her, her thoughts surprised me. They were all genuine, and not a single was mean. I mean, she was thinking about the thinggs we would do, about inviting me to a sleepover, and about how cute Tammy Boy looked. I almost threw up at that.

I nod slightly, and then ask her "Where are we going first, Biana?" She widened her eyes. "How did you know my name?" She asked, slightly suspicouis. I thought of a thing to say, "Um... You are pretty popular..." I say, trying to hide behind my hair. She just shruggs, and starts talking about everywhere we would go.


After the tour, with mostly Biana talking, she turns to me. "You wanna come over to my house for a sleepover tonight?" she asks.

I freeze.

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