part 1

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Rorys pov

I spent half the night playing videogames with ethan and benny and then headed to bed for school since my mom bumped my bedtime for way to early, the next morning I got dressed and brushed my teeth and headed to school, when I took out my phone I bumped into a girl with long blonde hair with blue highlights and blue jeans and a badass tink top, she had fair skin and light make up on and a nose ring.

" Dude, watch where your going " she said

" Sorry, I'm rory...I haven't seen you around here before " I said nervously

" I didn't ask for your name but your cool looking...I'm mikayla and I just moved here " mikayla said smiling

" Cool, where are you going? " I said smiling

" To the teachers lounge...I'm ditching school I just need car keys " mikayla said

We walked through the halls and mikayla knelt down to the lock and took out a hair pin and started trying to open the lock on the door as I seen ethan and benny and walked over to them and smiled

" Wassssuuup! " I said smiling

" Your lame that's what's up " ethan said opening his locker

" Oh yeah, well if I'm so lame why am I going to the most awesome party tonight? " I said as benny rolled his eyes

" What party? " Ethan said

" Senior drama club party " I said as mikayla came over to me smiling

" Guess who just scored car keys from the teachers lounge " mikayla said as ethan and benny lost their smile

" Who's this? " Benny asked

" This is mikayla Langdon, she just moved here she's new " I said

" Wow you didn't tell me your friends were sooo nerdy " mikayla said smiling as Ethan's eyebrows rose as he kinda smirked and benny felt awkward

" I never mentioned them " I said

" Doesn't matter there still losers " mikayla said

" Where did you get those car keys? " Ethan asked mikayla

" Oh the teachers lounge and also I got this " mikayla said pulling a bottle of vodka out of her purse as benny and ethan got nervous as she put it away

" You really shouldn't have that in school or steal someone's stuff, you could really get into trouble with the principal " ethan said to mikayla as she scoffed

" Oh boo hoo, what are they gonna do expel me wouldn't be the first time that's happened " mikayla said

" Guys chill she's cool " I said but ethan didn't like her attitude

" Yeah chill...dork " mikayla said smiling at ethan so benny got annoyed

" Um rory...can we talk to you alone?" Ethan asked me

Mikayla walked away and ethan and benny told me they don't think I should be hanging out with mikayla so I told them she was cool and I would see them at lunch, mikayla grabbed my arm and took me to the parking lot and we got into a car as she began driving off ethan started texting me so I began texting him as mikayla turned the music on and we started singing along as she parked in a driveway that's emptied and shut off the engine and turned the music down low and I got extremely nervous and uncomfortable as mikayla took out the vodka and opened it

" Relax, it's just soda..." Mikayla said as I took the bottle and pushed my glasses up and slowly took a big sip and handed it back to mikayla as I started coughing

" That wasn't soda...whats in there? " I asked feeling a bad taste in my mouth as mikayla took a few sips from the bottle

" It's just vodka, listen I don't have alot of friends and I really hope this becomes a good friendship " she said handing me the bottle as I took it and she started smiling

We started chugging the bottle down and began laughing as I realized school was over and their was a party tonight but mikayla already knew about it, my vision was kinda wonky and mikayla was driving while drunk but luckily we didn't get pulled over and we ended up at the party. Mikayla ended up talking to some dude and I flirted with some girl and she ended up giving me a hickey then I found benny and ethan

" Rory where have you been? " Ethan said

" Hanging with mikayla " I said

" Dude, mikayla is friends with jesse...she brought you here on purpose " benny said as I didn't believe them

" Wait are you drunk? " Ethan asked

Ethan seen mikayla drinking something from a cup and walked over to her as me and benny followed and she smiled when she seen us as ethan started talking to her but it seemed like they had a connection with each other and I feel like we both like her in different ways but I knew ethan wouldn't tell me

" I knew you couldn't be steal car keys and get my friend drunk and bring him here, who does that? " Ethan said as he slowly mikayla up and down

" Obviously not me...he did it on his own free will and it was my car, but welcome to Jesse's party dork " mikayla said as ethan was slightly smirking

Mikayla took us to the kitchen as we seen Sarah and Erica who had already been bitten by vampires, instead of their being a fight mikayla grabbed blood bags from the fridge and drinked one and then she took out her fangs and bit me causing me to fall to the floor, as I watched mikayla opened a back door for ethan and benny as they left ethan slowly turned and looked at mikayla and she looked back at him to and he left. Did they just have a moment or something

The next day mikayla walked up to me and my friends and I thanked her for turning me into a super vampire and she smiled but ethan and benny still didn't like her and neither did Sarah, mikayla walked away and ethan turned to her and mumbled something only we could hear

" I still don't like her " ethan said staring at mikayla

" I do, she's fanging cool...and she's smoking hot so back off because I call dibs " I said as ethan gave me a weird look

" You can't call dibs on a girl that's not yours...and besides none of us like or trust her " ethan said

" I'm with ethan on this, she seems like a bad long as I know she's friends with jesse she shouldn't be trusted " Sarah said walking away with ethan and benny as I watched with hurt in my face

How could they not like my new friend

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